К статье "The interaction of the metagalactic ultraviolet background radiation with galaxies and the limit on the density of the intergalactic gas"
The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the Andromeda. The numbers correspond to the amount of neutral hydrogen in the line of sight in units of 1020 atoms cm-2. The heavy ellipse is the 25.0 mag (arc sec)-2 optical isophote. |
The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the Magellanic system. The contour unit is 1020 atoms cm-2. |
The distribution of neutral hydrogen in the NGC 4631-4656 system. The contour unit is 1020 atoms cm-2. |
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
персоналии - Сюняев
Публикации со словами: персоналии - Сюняев | |
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