Credit & Copyright: Miloslav Druckmuller
(Brno University of Technology)
Comet NEOWISE (C/2020 F3) is
sweeping through northern skies.
stretch some six degrees across this telescopic
field of view, recorded
from Brno, Czech Republic before daybreak on July 10.
Pushed out by the pressure of
sunlight itself, the comet's broad, yellowish
dust tail is easiest to see.
But the image also captures a fainter, more bluish tail too,
separate from the
comet dust.
The fainter tail is an ion tail, formed as ions from the
cometary coma are dragged outward by magnetic fields in the solar wind
and fluoresce in the sunlight.
In this sharp portrait of
our new visitor from the outer Solar System,
the tails of comet NEOWISE are
reminiscent of the even brighter tails of Hale Bopp, the
Great Comet of 1997.
Comet NEOWISE from Around the Globe:
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
comet - кометы
Публикации со словами: comet - кометы | |
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