Credit & Copyright: T. A. Rector & B. A. Wolpa,
Is star AE Aurigae on fire?
Although surrounded by what may look like
smoke, the object known as the "flaming star"
creates energy primarily by
nuclear fusion, like other stars.
Fire, typically defined as the rapid molecular acquisition of
oxygen, happens only when sufficient
oxygen is present and is not important in such high-energy,
low-oxygen environments such as stars.
The material that appears as smoke is mostly
interstellar hydrogen, but does
contain smoke-like dark filaments of carbon-rich
dust grains.
The AE Aurigae region was imaged by the
0.9-meter telescope and is
shown above in false but representative colors.
The star
AE Aurigae itself is very bright, young, blue,
and known as a
runaway star
since it appears to have been ejected from the
Orion Nebula
region about 2.7 million years ago.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
AE Возничего - эмиссионная туманность - emission nebula - AE Aurigae
Публикации со словами: AE Возничего - эмиссионная туманность - emission nebula - AE Aurigae | |
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