Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Комета Холмса над Венгрией Comet Holmes Over Hungary

Comet Holmes refuses to fade. The unusual comet that surprisingly brightened nearly a million-fold in late October continues to remain visible to the unaided eye from dark locations. Night to night, Comet 17P/Holmes is slowly gliding through the constellation Perseus, remaining visible to northern observers during much of the night right from sunset.

Кометная пыль над Энчантед Рок Comet Dust over Enchanted Rock

Dusty debris from periodic Comet Swift-Tuttle was swept up by planet Earth this week. Vaporized by their passage through the dense atmosphere at 59 kilometers per second, the tiny grains produced a stream of Perseid meteors. A bright, colorful Perseid meteor flash was captured during this 20 second exposure.

Длинный хвост кометы Леонарда Comet Leonards Long Tail

You couldn't see Comet LeonardБs extremely long tail with a telescope Б it was just too long. You also couldn't see it with binoculars Б still too long. Or with your eyes -- it was too dim. Or from a city Б the sky was too bright.

Комета Икея-Жанга встречается с МКС Comet Ikeya Zhang Meets The ISS

Still catching the Sun's rays, the International Space Station (ISS) cruises across the early evening sky above Tomahawk, Wisconsin, USA. Recorded on April 9 around 9 pm CDT in a 30 second exposure, the sunlit space station traced this bright streak moving east (right) through the constellation Cassiopeia.

Цвета кометы Поймански Colors of Comet Pojmanski

Comet Pojmanski flew by planet Earth last weekend on a surprise trip through the inner solar system. Then an easy binocular target for morning skygazers, Pojmanski ultimately showed off a long tail, but it also presented some lovely green-blue hues as gas molecules in its tenuous coma and tail fluoresced in the sunlight.

Комета LINEAR расширяется Comet LINEAR Extends

Comet LINEAR's tail appears to be extending. Many sky watchers are closely following Comet C/1999 S4 LINEAR and wondering if it will develop an impressive tail or become visible to the naked eye later this month.

Комета Хейла-Боппа и туманность Северная Америка Comet Hale Bopp and the North America Nebula

Comet Hale-Bopp's 1997 encounter with the inner Solar System allowed many breath-taking pictures. Above, Comet Hale-Bopp was photographed crossing the constellation of Cygnus, sporting spectacular yellow dust and blue ion tails. Visible on the right in red is the North America Nebula, a bright emission nebula observable from a dark location with binoculars.

Комета между фейерверком и молнией Comet Between Fireworks and Lightning

Sometimes the sky itself is the best show in town. In January 2007, people from Perth, Australia gathered on a local beach to watch a sky light up with delights near and far. Nearby, fireworks exploded as part of Australia Day celebrations. On the far right, lightning from a thunderstorm flashed in the distance.

Водопады, полярные сияния и комета над Исландией Waterfalls, Auroras, Comet: Iceland

If not distracted by the picturesque landscape, waterfalls, stars, and auroras, you might be able to find Comet PANSTARRS. The above image, capturing multiple terrestrial and celestial wonders in a single shot, was taken last week in southwest Iceland.

Комета PANSTARRS и Туманность Андромеды Comet PANSTARRS and the Andromeda Galaxy

Currently, comet PANSTARRS is passing nearly in front of the galaxy Andromeda. Coincidentally, both comet and galaxy appear now to be just about the same angular size. In physical size, even though Comet PANSTARRS...

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