Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Кольцевая Планетарная Туманность Shapley 1 Shapley 1: An Annular Planetary Nebula

What happens when a star runs out of nuclear fuel? The center condenses into a white dwarf while the outer atmospheric layers are expelled into space and appear as a planetary nebula. This particular planetary nebula, designated Shapley 1 after the famous astronomer Harlow Shapley, has a very apparent annular ring like structure.

Шепли-1: кольцеобразная планетарная туманность Shapley 1: An Annular Planetary Nebula

What happens when a star runs out of nuclear fuel? The center condenses into a white dwarf while the outer atmospheric layers are expelled into space and appear as a planetary nebula. This particular planetary nebula, designated Shapley 1 after the famous astronomer Harlow Shapley, has a very apparent annular ring like structure.

Кольцеобразная планетарная туманность Шепли-1 Shapley 1: An Annular Planetary Nebula

What happens when a star runs out of nuclear fuel? The center condenses into a white dwarf while the outer atmospheric layers are expelled into space and appear as a planetary nebula. This particular planetary nebula, designated Shapley 1 after the famous astronomer Harlow Shapley, has a very apparent annular ring like structure.

Шепли 1: кольцевая планетарная туманность Shapley 1: An Annular Planetary Nebula

What happens when a star runs out of nuclear fuel? For stars about the mass of our Sun, the center condenses into a white dwarf while the outer atmospheric layers are expelled into space and appear as a planetary nebula.

Кольцеобразная туманность Шепли-1 Shapley 1: An Annular Planetary Nebula

This strange structure is what can result when a normal star runs out of nuclear fuel in its core. At that time, the center condenses into a white dwarf while the outer atmospheric layers are expelled into space and appear as a planetary nebula.

Кольцеобразное затмение после восхода Солнца Annular Eclipse After Sunrise

From northern Patagonia, morning skies were clear and blue on Sunday, February 26. This sweeping composite scene, overlooking Hermoso Valle, Facundo, Chubut, Argentina, follows the Sun after sunrise, capturing an annular solar eclipse. Created...

Кольцеобразное солнечное затмение An Annular Eclipse of the Sun

An annular eclipse of the Sun was visible in parts of the Eastern Hemisphere on Saturday. The above picture was taken at that time by a video camera in Mersing on the East Coast of Malaysia and emailed to APOD yesterday from an internet cafe in Kuala Lumpur.

Кольцеобразное затмение над Мьянмой Annular Eclipse Over Myanmar

A hole crossed the Sun for a few minutes this month, as seen across a thin swath of planet Earth. The event on January 15 was actually an annular solar eclipse, and the hole was really Earth's Moon, an object whose dark half may appear even darker when compared to the tremendously bright Sun.

Кольцеобразное солнечное затмение тысячелетия Millennium Annular Solar Eclipse

The Moon's shadow raced across planet Earth on January 15. Observers within the central shadow track were able to witness an annular solar eclipse as the Moon's apparent size was too small to completely cover the Sun.

Кольцеобразное солнечное затмение: вид с высоким разрешением An Annular Solar Eclipse at High Resolution

On Monday, part of the Sun went missing. The missing piece was no cause for concern -- the Moon was only momentarily in the way. The event was not a total eclipse of the Sun for any Earth-bound sky enthusiast but rather, at best, an annular eclipse, where the Moon blocked most of the Sun.

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