Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: annular solar eclipse
Солнечное затмение с огненным кольцом A Solar Eclipse with a Beaded Ring of Fire

What kind of eclipse is this? On Sunday, visible in parts of Earth's southern hemisphere, the Moon blocked part of the Sun during a partial solar eclipse. In some locations, though, the effect was a rare type of partial eclipse called an annular eclipse.

Кольцеобразное затмение после восхода Солнца Annular Eclipse After Sunrise

From northern Patagonia, morning skies were clear and blue on Sunday, February 26. This sweeping composite scene, overlooking Hermoso Valle, Facundo, Chubut, Argentina, follows the Sun after sunrise, capturing an annular solar eclipse. Created...

Кольцеобразное солнечное затмение над Нью-Мексико An Annular Solar Eclipse over New Mexico

What is this person doing? In 2012 an annular eclipse of the Sun was visible over a narrow path that crossed the northern Pacific Ocean and several western US states. In an annular solar...

От затмения до заката Eclipse to Sunset

September's eclipse of the Sun is documented in the 68 frames of this timelapse composite. Starting at 1pm local time a frame every 4 minutes follow's the progress of the New Moon across the solar disk.

Огненное кольцо над островом Пасхи Ring of Fire over Easter Island

The second solar eclipse of 2024 began in the Pacific. On October 2nd the Moon's shadow swept from west to east, with an annular eclipse visible along a narrow antumbral shadow path tracking...

Кольцеобразное затмение над Патагонией APOD: 2024 October 8 Б Annular Eclipse over Patagonia

Can you find the Sun? OK, but can you explain why thereБs a big dark spot in the center? The spot is the Moon, and the impressive alignment shown, where the Moon lines up inside the Sun, is called an annular solar eclipse.

Лунные горы и огненное кольцо APOD: 2023 September 17 Б Moon Mountains Magnified during Ring of Fire Eclipse

What are those dark streaks in this composite image of a solar eclipse? They are reversed shadows of mountains at the edge of the Moon. The center image, captured from Xiamen, China, has the Moon's center directly in front of the Sun's center.

Затмение в пустыне A Desert Eclipse

A good place to see a ring-of-fire eclipse, it seemed, would be from a desert. In a desert, there should be relatively few obscuring clouds and trees. Therefore late last December a group...

Кольцеобразное солнечное затмение над Ютой APOD: 2023 November 1 Б Annular Solar Eclipse over Utah

Part of the Sun disappeared earlier this month, but few people were worried. The missing part, which included the center from some locations, just went behind the Moon in what is known as an annular solar eclipse. Featured here is an eclipse sequence taken as the Moon was overtaking the rising Sun in the sky.

Восход Солнца над Сансет-Пойнт A Sunrise at Sunset Point

This timelapse series captured on October 14 is set against the sunrise view from Sunset Point, Bryce Canyon, planet Earth. Of course on that date the New Moon caught up with the Sun in the canyon's morning skies.

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