Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: barred spiral galaxy
NGC 2442: галактика в Летучей Рыбе NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans

Distorted galaxy NGC 2442 can be found in the southern constellation of the flying fish, (Piscis) Volans. Located about 50 million light-years away, the galaxy's two spiral arms extending from a pronounced central...

NGC 2442: галактика в Летучей Рыбе APOD: 2020 August 4 Б NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans

Distorted galaxy NGC 2442 can be found in the southern constellation of the flying fish, (Piscis) Volans. Located about 50 million light-years away, the galaxy's two spiral arms extending from a pronounced central bar have a hook-like appearance in wide-field images.

Спиральная галактика с перемычкой NGC 1672: вид в телескоп им.Хаббла NGC 1672: Barred Spiral Galaxy from Hubble

Many spiral galaxies have bars across their centers. Even our own Milky Way Galaxy is thought to have a modest central bar. Prominently barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672, featured here, was captured in spectacular detail in an image taken by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.

Спиральная галактика с перемычкой NGC 6217 Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 6217

Many spiral galaxies have bars across their centers. Even our own Milky Way Galaxy is thought to have a modest central bar. Prominently barred spiral galaxy NGC 6217, featured here, was captured in spectacular detail in this image taken by the Advanced Camera for Surveys on the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope in 2009.

Спиральная галактика с перемычкой NGC 1300 Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300

Across the center of this spiral galaxy is a bar. And at the center of this bar is smaller spiral. And at the center of that spiralбis a supermassiveбblack hole.б This all happens...

Спиральная галактика с перемычкой NGC 1672: вид в телескоп им.Хаббла APOD: 2025 March 11 Б NGC 1672: Barred Spiral Galaxy from Hubble

Many spiral galaxies have bars across their centers. Even our own Milky Way Galaxy is thought to have a modest central bar. Prominently barred spiral galaxy NGC 1672, featured here, was captured in spectacular detail in an image taken by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope.

Спиральная галактика с перемычкой  NGC 1300 Barred Spiral Galaxy NGC 1300

Big, beautiful, barred spiral galaxy NGC 1300 lies some 70 million light-years away on the banks of the constellation Eridanus. This Hubble Space Telescope composite view of the gorgeous island universe is one of the largest Hubble images ever made of a complete galaxy.

NGC 2903: потерянное сокровище в Льве NGC 2903: A Missing Jewel in Leo

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 2903 is only some 20 million light-years distant. Popular among amateur astronomers, it shines in the northern spring constellation Leo, near the top of the lion's head. That part of the constellation is sometimes seen as a reversed question mark or sickle.

NGC 1365: спиральная галактика с перемычкой NGC 1365: Barred Spiral Galaxy

NGC 1365 is a giant barred spiral galaxy about 200,000 light-years in diameter and 60 million light-years distant in the southern constellation Fornax. These three recently released images offer views of this majestic island universe in visible and infrared light.

NGC 2442: галактика в Летучей Рыбе NGC 2442: Galaxy in Volans

Distorted galaxy NGC 2442 can be found in the southern constellation of the flying fish, (Piscis) Volans. Located about 50 million light-years away, the galaxy's two spiral arms extending from a pronounced central bar have a hook-like appearance in wide-field images.

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