Credit & Copyright: Miguel Claro
At left, a dramatic
image sequence follows late
September's total lunar eclipse
above a rugged landscape
and sea of clouds from the Canary island of
La Palma.
Composited in a circular fisheye projection,
the brightness of the Full Perigee Moon
changes drastically in transition from outside
the total eclipse phase compared to its dim glow
the 72 minute long totality.
At right, a single frame captures the dark red
lunar disk in a moment during the total eclipse phase,
the Moon deep within Earth's shadow.
In fact, the size
of the eclipsed Moon image at right
approximately illustrates the relative size of Earth and Moon,
when compared to the circular projection of the eclipse sequence.
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A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
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Based on Astronomy Picture
Of the Day
Publications with keywords: lunar eclipse
Publications with words: lunar eclipse
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