Credit & Copyright: Babak Tafreshi
The arc of the southern Milky Way shone brightly on this starry night.
Captured on May 4, in
the foreground of this gorgeous skyview is
the rainforest near the spectacular
Iguaçu Falls
and national park at the border of Brazil and Argentina.
Looking skyward along the Milky Way's arc from the left are
Alpha and
Beta Centauri,
the Coalsack, the Southern Cross,
and the Carina Nebula.
brightest star
in planet Earth's night sky is at the far right.
Brilliant Canopus,
second brightest star in the night,
and our neighboring galaxies the Large and
Small Magellanic clouds,
are also included in the scene.
For help finding them, just slide your cursor over the image.
Much closer to home, lights near the center along the
horizon are from Argentina's Iguazú Falls International Airport.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Based on Astronomy Picture
Of the Day
Publications with keywords: night sky
Publications with words: night sky
See also:
- APOD: 2024 September 11 Á A Night Sky over the Tatra Mountains
- APOD: 2023 August 15 Á A Triply Glowing Night Sky over Iceland
- Sunset to Sunrise over the Baltic Sea
- An Artful Sky over Lofoten Islands
- A Furious Sky over Mount Shasta
- Sea and Sky Glows over the Oregon Coast
- Stars and Planets over Portugal