Credit & Copyright: Apollo 17 Crew, NASA
What would it be like to stand on the surface of another world,
to look all around you,
and to try to figure out how this world got there?
To get an idea, scroll right.
In 1972 during the Apollo 17 mission, astronauts
Harrison Schmitt and
Eugene Cernan found out first hand.
In this case, the world was
Earth's own
In one of the more famous panoramas taken on the
Moon, the
magnificent desolation of the
barren Moon is apparent.
Visible are
craters, the
lunar rover, and astronaut Schmidt preparing to take a
soil sample.
A few days after
this image was taken, humanity left the
Moon and has yet to return.
An interactive version of the above image can be found
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Publications with words: Apollo 17
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