Peremennye Zvezdy


Section: PZ: main journal

Другое The 82nd Name-List of Variable Stars. Part II - RA 18hr to 20hr and Novae
PZ, vol. 39, N 3 (29.10.2019) | E. V. Kazarovets, N. N. Samus, O. V. Durlevich, A. V. Khruslov, N. Kireeva, E. N. Pastukhova | DOI

We present the second part of a new Name-List of variable stars containing information on 1353 variable stars recently designated in the system of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars. With the exception of Novae and other unusual variables named upon request from the IAU CBAT or by our initiative, these stars are in the range of J2000.0 right ascensions from 18 hours 00 minutes to 20 hours 00 minutes.

Другое BVI_c Observations of 64 Classical Cepheids
PZ, vol. 39, N 2 (15.10.2019) | L. N. Berdnikov, A. Kniazev, A. Dambis, V. V. Kravtsov | DOI

A total of 9128 B-, V-, and I_c-band photometric measurements were acquired for 64 classical Cepheids in 1982 - 2014. For these stars, 1384 times of maximum light are determined and O-C diagrams constructed based on available photoelectric and CCD observations. The data are used to compute the current ephemerides and the normalized Fourier coefficients (cosine expansion), whose analysis confirmed that all the 64~variables were correctly classified as classical Cepheids.

Другое BVI_c Photoelectric Observations of 16 Double-Mode Classical Cepheids
PZ, vol. 39, N 1 (18.09.2019) | L. N. Berdnikov, A. Kniazev, A. Dambis, V. V. Kravtsov | DOI

We present 2902 magnitude measurements in the B, V, and I_c} filters acquired in 1999 - 2004 for 16 double-mode classical Cepheids.

Другое The X-Ray Source 1RXS J051439.2--021615 is a Flare K Dwarf
PZ, vol. 38, N 6 (26.12.2018) | V. Goranskij, E. A. Barsukova | DOI

We obtained a spectrum and UBVRI photometry of the star associated with the X-ray source 1RXS J051439.2-021615 that experienced a rapid optical flare on 25 January 2018 (ATel No. 11250). We classified the spectrum as K2V - K5V. The Halpha line was filled with emission. We explain this event as a flare in an active region on the surface of a late-type main sequence star.

Другое Novae in 2018: Official Announcement of GCVS Names
PZ, vol. 38, N 5 (26.12.2018) | E. V. Kazarovets, N. N. Samus | DOI

GCVS names are announced for 14 galactic Novae discovered in 2018.

Другое A Study of the New Cataclysmic Variable 2MASS 23212116+3807563
PZ, vol. 38, N 4 (12.11.2018) | A. V. Khruslov, A. V. Kusakin, I. Reva, R. I. Kokumbaeva | DOI

We present our variability study of the new cataclysmic variable star, 2MASS 23212116+3807563. The variable is a U Geminorum type star. An analysis of available electronic archives data (CSS, 1SWASP and ASAS-SN) does not detect periodicity. The variable has a close companion, photometric data in the electronic archives present combined light of the two stars. We acquired the star's new CCD photometry in Johnson's B, V, and R bands. Our observation confirm variability of 2MASS 23212116+3807563 with a large amplitude of light variations (more than 3m).

Другое GSC 02693-00926 and USNO-B1.0 1587-0201409, Two New Doubly Eclipsing Systems
PZ, vol. 38, N 3 (23.05.2018) | A. V. Khruslov / Tula, Russia | DOI

I present my detection of two new doubly eclipsing systems, GSC 02693-00926 and USNO-B1.0 1587-0201409 (types EA+EB and EB+ELL). I analyzed all observations available for these stars in the NSVS and ASAS-SN online public archives using the period-search software developed by Dr. V.P. Goranskij for Windows environment. The light elements of both variations and the parameters of light curves are obtained.

Другое New Eclipsing Cataclysmic Variable Candidate in the Period Gap
PZ, vol. 38, N 2 (19.04.2018) | D. Panov, D. Denisenko | DOI

We report the discovery of a blue eclipsing variable Dan V1 in Sagittarius with the orbital period P=0.094277 days (2.2626 hours). The object is also an UV source, indicating the presence of a white dwarf in the binary system. We consider two possibilities: a cataclysmic (nova-like) variable and an eclipsing hot subdwarf of the HW Vir type. Our analysis favors the first (CV) scenario. If confirmed, Dan V1 is a very rare eclipsing cataclysmic variable in the period gap.

Другое A Study of Double-Mode Variables
PZ, vol. 38, N 1 (13.04.2018) | A. V. Khruslov / Tula, Russia | DOI

I present a detection of 44 new double-mode variable stars, of which 25 variables are high-amplitude Delta Scuti stars, HADS(B) type, and 19 stars are RR Lyrae variables, RR(B) type. For two of the HADS(B) stars, their detection was the variability discovery. We analyzed all observations available for these stars in the Catalina Surveys and SuperWASP online public archives using the period-search software developed by Dr. V.P. Goranskij for Windows environment. In two cases, we also used data of the ASAS-SN archive. According to these data, one star, GSC 02900-00317, is possibly pulsating in the first- and second-overtone modes; the other stars are pulsating in the fundamental and first-overtone modes.

Другое Novae in 2015 - 2017: Official Announcement of GCVS Names
PZ, vol. 37, N 4 (29.12.2017) | E. V. Kazarovets, N. N. Samus

GCVS names are announced for 20 galactic Novae discovered in 2015 - 2017.

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