. Domain architecture . Protein role . Number of proteins . Clusters that contain proteins with the same domain architecture . SseC . Unknown . 1 proteins . 44 73 39 68 128 40
My colleagues and I have recently completed a series of observations of SN1999an. ... The telescope is located at Martin Observatory in Blacksburg, VA, and is operated by the Physics Department of Virginia Tech. Our IAU Minor Planet Center Observatory Code is 841. ... Attached you will find a copy of one of our images (in .jpg format) with the supernova indicated. ... Virginia Tech Department of Physics . Back to Bright Supernovae . Back to Supernova 1999an . ...
... Faculty of Physics . ... 7 (495) 939-16-82 info@physics.msu.ru . ... Contacts . ... Research Centers . ... Education . ... Research . ... Education research . ... Research Highlights of the Year . Research Highlights Archive . ... 05.09.2003 XIV Symposium on Atomic, cluster, and Surface Physics (SASP 2004) . ... 7 495 939-16-82, . Fax: +7 495 932-88-20, . ... Faculty of Physics, 2016 . ... the Ministry of Education and Science . ...
... The technique had been developed for calculating destruction of melting vitreous bodies in hypersonic gas flows taking into account the internal radiative transfer. ... The problem of flow in the chemically non-equilibrium boundary layer at a stagnation point of blunt body had been solved by the asymptotic method and formulas for the heat and diffusion fluxes to a surface of any catalycity had been obtained. ...
... All the galaxies are divided into 4 groups depending on the environment type; every subsample contains more than 10 galaxies. ... An effect of environments is seen both for the nuclei and for the bulges: if we consider the clusters (Virgo and Ursa Ma jor) and group centers as dense environments and the field and group periphery as sparse environments, then in the dense environments the stellar populations of S0s are in average older by 45 Gyr than in the sparse ones. ...
... Moscow Lomonosov State University . ... Consider an open network consisting of N nodes (stations) and V(N) cars, which circulate among the stations. The network is divided into n clusters. ... Cluster j contains d N j N stations, Е j = 1 n d N j = 1. ... Later j and v denote cluster numbers and they take values from 1 to n. The arrival process to a station of cluster j is a Poisson one with the rate l j . ... The destination station in the cluster v is chosen uniformly. ...
... Proceedings 2009 . ... It is discussed the active centre model of the polynucleus enzyme-ferredoxin, containing four iron ions (Fe (II)), surrounded with sulfur ions. ... According to this model the iron ion Fe (II) is in tetrahedral complex of weak ligand field. Iron ion gives vacant orbits for unshared electron pairs of the ligand sulfur ions. The ferredoxin functional mechanism may be explained with unpaired electron leaving of the cluster molecular orbit e* (transition Fe (II) - Fe (III)). ...
D.Moss, D.Sokoloff, R.Beck, Ram pressure effects in the galactic plane and galactic dynamos in the no-z approximation, Astron. Astrophys., 544, A5, 4 pages, 2012 . ... To isolate the leading physical effects, we exploit a simple dynamo model that can describe relevant effects. ... Any determination of galactic motion through the cluster medium from observational data needs to take the effects of dynamo action into account. ...
T he student body is the central group of the Faculty of Physics. ... The Faculty offers its students the widest choice of training programmes and majoring opportunities. ... C urrently there are about 40 general courses and over 650 specialized courses delivered covering a wide range of traditional and new areas of physics research. ... F rom the first year students can be trained under two programs physics or astronomy. ... T here is a specific education system in place at the Faculty of Physics. ...
... Cleo batch system is purposed to control parallel tasks on computer clusters. It controls one or more task queues. tasks sceduling (all MPI implemetations are supported, most other parallel environments are supported too) . ... controllable user limits (max used cpus, task work time, etc.) . ... Any task in main will be queued to daughter queues if there aren't enough free own cpus (not shared with daughters). When daughter queues will get enough cpus for this task, it will be runned in main . ...
The Department of Talented Youth Affairs and Professional Orientation . ... Results of the 48th Mendeleev International Olympiad in Chemistry . ... Lomonosov Moscow State University students have traditionally been active participants of the international Olympiad ?IT-Planet 2013/14? which covers the area of information technologies. ... His next challenge is to defend the honor of the University in the international final which will take place in Crimea in September. ...
The year 1609 and the year 2009 · What are we celebrating? My favorite argument from Galileo · Can science still b e `dangerous'? ... But he improved the `spyglass' very much. ... My favorite argument from Galileo Dialogue on Falling Bo dies: Friend: We heard you dropp ed a heavy and a light object from the Tower of Pisa and they reached the ground at the same time. ... Homework problem: Find the lo ophole in the argument (if there is one) Can science still b e `dangerous' ? ...
Ссылки http://nuclphys.sinp.msu.ru/conf/lpp14/Round%20Table%20Discussion/Stodolsky.pdf -- 96.9 Кб -- 16.09.2009 Похожие документы
Current Issue About us Editors Board of Editors Guidelines Contacts . ... 2015 . ... The author proposes a new direction of food market development, emphasing the formation of food clusters as an instrument of unlocking the potential of Ukrainian manufacturers. ... Cluster, block, sector, food market, business. ... No material published in this journal may be reproduced in print or in electronic form without a link to "E-journal. Public Administrarion". ... Copyright ї 2015 SPA MSU . ...
... Специальный выпуск. 16 ноября 2010 г. ------------- 11 ноября 2010 года была опубликована 36-ая редакция списка 500 наиболее мощных компьютеров мира Top500. ... На 17-ое место списка с 13-го переместился суперкомпьютер МГУ Ломоносов производства компании Т-Платформы , установленный в Научно-исследовательском вычислительном центре МГУ имени М.В.Ломоносова, с пиковой производительностью 414.42 TFlop/s и производительностью на тесте Linpack 350.1 TFlop/s. На 62-ое место с 46-го опустился...
BLASTCLUST - BLAST score-based single-linkage clustering. ... BLASTCLUST automatically and systematically clusters protein or DNA sequences based on pairwise matches found using the BLAST algorithm in case of proteins or Mega BLAST algorithm for DNA. ... The primary input format for BLASTCLUST is a FASTA-format sequence file. ... Another type of input is a sequence hit-list previously saved by BLASTCLUST (in this case BLASTCLUST will use pre-computed HSP data instead of making de novo comparisons). ...
... We used the dataset of 43 complete genomes of organisms from different domains of life (including bacteria, archaea, plants, protists, fungi and animals) to test the idea that it is possible to separate predicted protein-coding genes with different phylogenetic history (putative HGT or contamination) by comparing arrays of protein BLAST bit scores and clustering genes with similar arrays of these scores. ... These sequences are likely candidates for Drosophila to Wolbachia horizontal gene transfer. ...
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