Credit & Copyright: Carlos Taylor
A broad expanse of glowing gas and dust presents
a bird-like visage to astronomers
from planet Earth,
suggesting its popular moniker - The Seagull Nebula.
Using narrowband image data,
this 3-panel mosaic of the cosmic bird
covers a 2.5 degree swath across the plane of the Milky Way,
near the direction of Sirius,
alpha star
of the constellation Canis Major.
part of a larger shell structure
swept up by successive supernova explosions,
the broad Seagull Nebula is cataloged as Sh2-296 and IC 2177.
The prominent bluish arc below and right of center is a bow shock from
runaway star
FN Canis Majoris.
This complex of gas and dust clouds with other stars of the
Majoris OB1
association spans over 200 light-years at the Seagull Nebula's estimated
3,800 light-year distance.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
emission nebula - эмиссионная туманность
Публикации со словами: emission nebula - эмиссионная туманность | |
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