Credit & Copyright: HST Image: D.W. Fox, J.S. Bloom, S.R. Kulkarni
(Caltech), et al.
XMM Result: J.N. Reeves, D. Watson, J.P. Osborne (University of Leicester), et al.
What causes the mysterious
gamma-ray bursts?
Indicated in this
Hubble Space Telescope exposure of an otherwise
unremarkable field in the constellation
Crater, is the dwindling
optical afterglow of a gamma-ray burst first
by the Beppo-SAX satellite on 2001 December 11.
The burst's host galaxy,
billions of light-years distant, is the
faint smudge extending above and to the left of the afterglow position.
After rapidly catching the
x-ray light from the burst with
the orbiting XMM-Newton
observatory, astronomers are
now reporting
the telltale signatures of
magnesium, silicon,
sulphur, argon, and calcium - material most likely found in an
expanding debris
cloud produced by the explosion of a massive star.
The exciting result
is evidence that the gamma-ray burst itself
is linked to a very energetic supernova
which may have
preceded the powerful
flash of gamma-rays by up to a few days.
XMM Result: J.N. Reeves, D. Watson, J.P. Osborne (University of Leicester), et al.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Публикации с ключевыми словами:
GRB 011211 - gamma-ray burst - supernova - гамма-всплески - Сверхновые
Публикации со словами: GRB 011211 - gamma-ray burst - supernova - гамма-всплески - Сверхновые | |
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