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Samara State Aerospace University will conduct the 'cloud' Academic Olympics
14.03.2014, 12:39
Olympics are held on the basis of interuniversity Media Centre.
Each year over 25 teams representing different universities of Samara Region, in which the Olympic programming is developed, participate in Academic Olympics of the SSAU. The Olympics is held in one round in the format of the largest international Academic Olympics on programming ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC). Also the Organizing Committee allows participation of well-trained teams of pupils.
The contestants should have access to the unified working places with the most recent versions of the software. The cloud service for competitions and trainings designed by a team of the SSAU IT Club will allow involving more and more talented students in the art of programming.
The best teams will be awarded with diplomas and gifts from Academic Olympics partners, IT companies: Maxifier, HAULMONT, INTEGRA-S. The title partner of Academic Olympics is the company MERCURY DEVELOPMENT, a dynamic international developer of enterprise applications.