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"ANSYS EKM - efficient engineering analysis data management in new product development" seminar
06.03.2014, 12:03
The seminar is organized by CADFEM-CIS.
Speaker: SPDM Direction Manager Alexander Chernov.
The program of the seminar:
1. What is ANSYS EKM?
2. Expansion options.
3. Launch of ANSYS software with interactive sessions, using the NICE EngiFrame technology.
4. Linux server with VirtualGL – TurboVnc viewer from MS Win PC.
5. RDP Windows-technology.
6. Remote visualization for calculation results database files viewing through EKM web-interface with the help of VCollab java plug-in.
7. Integration with PDM systems using OpenPDM by PROSTEP AG, on example of integration with PTC Windchill. Experience of EKM introduction at RSC Energia.
8. Summary and discussion.