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The new circuit of global tectonics of the Earth, planets and satellites.


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ї  Trunaev E.M.

Русская версия

Part 3 

The new circuit of global tectonics of the planets and their satellites.

Besides of the whole variety of geotectonic models, constructed by the plan of classical representations of so-called "fixists" and "mobilists", the fundamental problems of the common geodynamics, geomorphology (see " the list of unsolved problems") and problems of historical geology basically haven't yet the decisions. The nature of structures of ocean cavities and continents is unknown in science, they have striking difference each from other. At the same time, there are the problems of dynamic property. It is completely not clear to the scientists where the continents move to and whether they do in general, and if they move what are the forces the sources of energy. The widely distributed assumption that the cause of movement of the earth crust is thermal convection is unpersuasively in basic, Since it has appeared, that such assumptions go counter to the basic rules of many physical laws, experimental data and numerous supervisions, including the data of space researches of tectonics and structure of other planets. The real circuits of thermal convection, which do not contradict the laws of physics, are not found, and the uniform logically reasonable mechanism of movement of substance , which is equally acceptable for conditions of entrails of stars, planets and their satellites, is not found till now too.
       Below we shall consider a non-inconsistent circuit of formation and evolution of the earth crust and firm environments of other planets and their satellites which constructed outside of relation and without attraction of the mechanism of thermal convection, the presence of which is at all unessential for normal development of celestial bodies of any hierarchical level.

The "too hot" substance (magma) is formed of combination of different sort of atoms of chemical elements, spontaneously arising in the entrails of the pre-Earth cosmogenic vortex (and equal in entrails of other celestial object of spherical form). All this substation is formed from the "new" atoms at once they go from the southern mirror of an adiabatic magnetic snare, which is an end face part of the cosmogenic vortex [see a part 2], and therefrom the given substation begins the way already in new quality. The whole weight of "too hot" substance, gradually passes in a spherical part of a magnetic dipole taking root in it guided on course of presence of power lines of a geomagnetic field, and here the substance spreads about the sphere, it is kept by a magnetic skeleton, and slowly flows from one geomagnetic pole to other commensurate with a direction of the magnetic meridians. It is natural, that some part of the substance, making the sphere, can appear near to the surface. The thick coverings of rather quickly cooling down top mantle were formed from this part of substance in the early pre-geological stage of development of   Earth, then atop of which the much more cold two environments - the crystal crust and the atmosphere supersaturated with water ferry were formed. The water dropped out from the last it gradually was condensed and formed the widths of uniform Global ocean. So the whole surface of our planet was completely covered with water up to the end of the pre-geological stage of development of  Earth. At the same time, the rather active volcanic activity proceeded in field of the southern nozzle in region of the contemporaneous continent of Antarctica. The whole seas of lava were thrown up from the entrails of vortex formation (core) of the planet, they were squeezed out on surface of an original mouth - the so-called southern nozzle, here the structures of the basis (base) of the unique pra-continent were formed from this substation, it lonely rose above the level of the Global ocean, that has at once defined existing until now of the poles [fig.  3-a ][ 4  ] [ 5 ].

Just here, the "Pre-Cambrian" land masses of crystal rocks of pra-continent were formed at the southern pole, in conditions of space, limited with water of the Global ocean, they have a number of specific differences from the structures, formed in the subsequent time outside of the surface of the southern nozzle. Just here, the leaked forms of terrain, representing nowadays the so-called Precambrian domes, the extensive saucer depressions and other sorts of "exotic" elements of tectonics of "pre-Cambrian" could be formed in the extremely complex and unique physics-dynamic and climatic conditions, commensurable with conditions of the huge boiler with boiling porridge, they amaze the scientists with their abundance and unique shape. Just here the masses of granite and the "ancient" sedimentary-metamorphic complexes were formed in conditions of extremely high magma's activity and raised(increased) migration of rather aggressive hot gases and high thermal water solutions, sated with potassium, sodium, radioactive elements etc., They are the evidence of bright and unique epoch of early development of the continents of the Earth, epoch of formation of their basis (bases).

The structures of the continental great land masses - leaders and outsiders stratificated during interval of time of duration about 700-800 million years in the field of the southern pole of  Earth. The leaders are the Canadian platform, Eastern-Siberian one and Eastern-European one. The outsiders are all the others. The formation of the great land mass of the East Antarctica has finished the process [fig.  6 ] [ 7 ]. The same type of physic-chemical, dynamic, climatic and other conditions, which existed in the field of the southern pole in the whole duration of interval of time, while the basis (bases) of the continental platforms - leaders were formed, and then the outsiders, brought in the final result to the same geological attributes, on which now they try to identify the so-called pre-Cambrian complexes.

Under influence of two opposite directed latitude forces A and A' (Coriolis force and "waves of a tension") and so-called Force Majeure - in determining interpolar, from the south for the north, current of substance of mantle [fig. 3-c] the pra-continent broke up on separated blocks of the bases of the continental platforms. The newly formed structures separated from the southern pra-continent and, in accordance with that, departured together with current of the mantle in direction of the northern pole. The general sequence of such a movement was determined by condition of preservation of dynamic balancing of the rotating geoid. In this case the pra-continent broke up on three parts (branches), and each fragment, according to a principle of maintenance of balancing of planet, was compelled to move by the individual trajectory, the common kind of which has similarity to a line of Archimedian a spiral. By such a way three chains ("branches") of continental massif were generated conditionally named left, central and right [ fig. 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ]. The left branch formed the North American (Canadian) platform (with i. Greenland) and the South American. The right branch formed the Eastern Siberian platform, the Chinese-Korean one and the Australian one. And, at last, the Eastern European, Indostanian and "parallel" to it the African platform, and the structures of the East Antarctica formed one general branch - the central one.

In the Southern Hemisphere the trajectories of movement of the continental platforms, making branches, go like a fan, following from the southern pole to the northwest direction (left branch) and to the northeast (central and right branch). In the Northern Hemisphere lines of all three branches converge from the equator to the northern pole, twisting in one direction [fig. 3-c ][ 4 ] [5  ][ 7 ].

Depending on the character of a site of the curved of a trajectory, on which the continental massif moves, size of angular speed and the direction of normal (synchronous) rotation of the massif varies. And so the general kind and the character of interaction of the massif file with the structures around varies. As a rule, at the stage of primary difference of the continental bases in the field of the southern pole, their rotation occurs with different angular speed and in different directions (that is, there is the interaction by principle of different rotating gear cog-wheels). And it means, that the most essential structural changes arise, primarily, in the next areas of the bases themselves. Therefore all earlier cooperating massifs had the appropriate adjustment of structure (shake out) of adjacent edges and transformation them up to kind of opposite of structures, that is, when the ledge of one block precisely enters in the groove of the other (see the contours of the continental platforms on [fig. 4 ][][ 6 ].

After the difference of the continental bases finishes each massif passes in mode of independent navigation (interpolar drift). However the general character of drift depends on influence of set of the collateral factors, determined by action of different sort of the laws mechanics, including laws of hydrodynamics (movement of fluid environments and their interaction with firm bodies). For example, the general character of change of speed of movement of the basis of the continental blocks depends not only on place of its situation on geosphere, but also on size of general weight of the continent, on the sizes of its parts , on size of "roots" (deep part of the continent determining size of "sail") of the massif in drift and etc.. At the same time on the size of speed of drift ("translational" movement) the size of angular speed of own (synchronous) rotation of the massif in drift depends. And the direction of such rotation depends on being of the massif to particular branch of continental platforms, that is on the character of distributions of their trajectories, and etc.. And, simultaneously, the process of formation of structural infringements, connected with stretching or shift (chipping, displacement, breaks, and etc.), on the back side of perimeter of the rotating massif is defined.

The complete knowledge of these and other kinds of movement of the continental massifs (following from the given concept), can serve as a real base for determination (forecast) of places of concentration of mechanical pressure and, it means, determination of the centers of earthquakes, for any region of Earth. And the complete knowledge of the laws of formation and development of lithosphere of the Earth, can promote more exact definition of conditions of formation and character of bedding of mineral resources, and to promote the decision of other fundamental problems of geology and geophysics.

A number of interesting reasons in connection with the mentioned problems, the author can result in a more developed kind, and also to participate in their practical embodiment.


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