Its task is to conduct a medical recompression of emergency divers, to carry out training of divers, doctors - physiologists and to carry out an expertise of divers' trainees.
PDK-2U chamber enables to do submersion of the divers to depth to 100 meters with usage of air.
It has two compartments, interconnected with each other by the air-tight hatch. There is a two-way radio communication, enabling to maintain a permanent communication with the test-subjects, being tested inside the chamber.
Air flows into the chamber from special bottles, which are filled with it beforehand with the help of the compressor.
The food and life support-products go through independent lock.
The medical recompression serves as a qualified medical aid to the divers with specific diving-related diseases.
The diver is in the altitude chamber under observation of the special physiologist. He/she is exposed to the same pressure level, which is typical to the submersion depth from 0 to 100 meters, as well as to the nitrogen drug-like effect. The decompression procedure control is put on the shoulders of the diving specialist and special physiologist.
"Go" or "No Go" conclusion is given after thorough medical certification.