Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: interstellar medium
Волны смога во внешней Галактике Billows of Smog in the Outer Galaxy

Our Galaxy is filled with gas. Most of this gas is hydrogen, some is helium, but there is a trace amount of relatively heavy molecules, including carbon monoxide (CO) - a component of smog. The above wide-angle radio CO image shows the incredibly diverse structures that the molecular interstellar medium forms.

Волокна остатка сверхновой в Парусах Filaments of the Vela Supernova Remnant

The explosion is over but the consequences continue. About eleven thousand years ago a star in the constellation of Vela could be seen to explode, creating a strange point of light briefly visible to humans living near the beginning of recorded history.

Остаток вспышки сверхновой в Парусах в рентгеновских лучах Vela Supernova Remnant in X-ray

What happens when a star explodes? A huge fireball of hot gas shoots out in all directions. When this gas slams into the existing interstellar medium, it heats up so much it glows in X-rays.

Остаток сверхновой в Парусах в видимом свете Vela Supernova Remnant in Visible Light

The explosion is over but the consequences continue. About eleven thousand years ago a star in the constellation of Vela could be seen to explode, creating a strange point of light briefly visible to humans living near the beginning of recorded history.

Волокна остатка сверхновой в Парусах APOD: 2024 April 16 Б Filaments of the Vela Supernova Remnant

The explosion is over, but the consequences continue. About eleven thousand years ago, a star in the constellation of Vela could be seen to explode, creating a strange point of light briefly visible to humans living near the beginning of recorded history.

Убегающая звезда Runaway Star

Runaway stars are massive stars traveling rapidly through interstellar space. Like a ship plowing through the interstellar medium, runaway star HD 77581 has produced this graceful arcing bow wave or "bow shock" - compressing the gaseous material in its path.

Сбежавшая звезда Runaway Star

Runaway stars are massive stars traveling rapidly through interstellar space. Like a ship plowing through the interstellar medium, runaway star HD 77581 has produced this graceful arcing bow wave or "bow shock" - compressing the gaseous material in its path.

Пузыри и арки в NGC 2359 Bubbles and Arcs in NGC 2359

What caused the bubbles and arcs in NGC 2359? The main suspect is the Wolf-Rayet star in the center of one of the bubbles - visible slightly below and to the right of the center of the above photograph.

Остаток вспышки сверхновой Паруса в оптическом диапазоне Vela Supernova Remnant in Optical

About 11,000 years ago a star in the constellation of Vela exploded. This bright supernova may have been visible to the first human farmers. Today the Vela supernova remnant marks the position of a relatively close and recent explosion in our Galaxy. A roughly spherical, expanding shock wave is visible in X-rays.

Остаток вспышки сверхновой в Парусах в видимом свете Vela Supernova Remnant in Optical

About 11,000 years ago a star in the constellation of Vela exploded. This bright supernova may have been visible to the first human farmers. Today the Vela supernova remnant marks the position of a relatively close and recent explosion in our Galaxy. A roughly spherical, expanding shock wave is visible in X-rays.

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