Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: high velocity clouds
Высокоскоростные облака и Млечный Путь High Velocity Clouds and the Milky Way

Where are these gas clouds going so quickly? High velocity clouds (HVCs) of gas have been seen for decades but their origins and destinations have remained mysterious. Recent measurements have now placed at least...

Ниже облаков на Юпитере Beneath Jupiter's Clouds

This near-infrared image of Jupiter was made using instrumentation at NASA's Infrared Telescope Facility, located on the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii, in support of the Galileo mission to Jupiter. The brightest spots...

Потоки из черной дыры Streaming From A Black Hole

Glowing gas clouds are streaming from the core of galaxy NGC4151 at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour. A powerful tool, the Hubble Space Telescope's new STIS instrument, makes it possible to map out the cloud velocities - producing this false color "velocity map" for the central regions of NGC4151.

Юпитер: на границе пояса и зоны Jupiter: At The Belt-Zone Boundary

Jupiter's thick atmosphere is striped by wind-driven cloud bands that remain fixed in latitude - dark colored bands are known as belts while light colored bands are zones. At Jupiter's belt-zone boundaries the shearing wind velocities can reach nearly 300 miles per hour.

IRAS 05437+2502: вид загадочного околозвездного облака в телескоп им. Хаббла IRAS 05437 2502: An Enigmatic Star Cloud from Hubble

What's lighting up nebula IRAS 05437+2502? No one is sure. Particularly enigmatic is the bright upside-down V that defines the upper edge of this floating mountain of interstellar dust, visible near the image center.

Космические лучи и пыль от сверхновой Cosmic Rays and Supernova Dust

Cosmic Rays are celestial high energy particles traveling at nearly the speed of light, which constantly bombard the Earth. Discovered during high altitude balloon flights in 1912 their source has been a long standing mystery.

 < January 2025  
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