Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: circumstellar disk
Пылевой диск звезды бета Живописца The Dusty Disk of Beta Pic

This dusty disk, viewed edge on surrounding Beta Pictoris, a star only 50 lightyears distant, may signal the presence of an infant solar system. Beta Pictoris is a young Sun-like star just completing its formative stages.

Туманность Ориона в свете водорода The Orion Nebula in Hydrogen

The Great Nebula in Orion can be found just below and to the left of the easily identifiable belt of three stars in the popular constellation Orion. This fuzzy patch, visible to the unaided eye, contains one of the closest stellar nurseries, lying at a distance of about 1500 light years.

Портрет солнечной системы в младенчестве Portrait of an Infant Solar System

This infant solar system was discovered posing along the lonely outskirts of the Rho Ophiuchi dark cloud, a star forming region 500 light-years from Earth. Enlarged in this infrared false-color portrait from the European...

BHB2007: формирование двойной звезды BHB2007: A Baby Binary Star in Formation

How do binary stars form? To help find out, ESO's Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) recently captured one of the highest resolution images yet taken of a binary star system in formation. Most...

AB Возничего: как сделать планеты AB Aurigae: How To Make Planets

This enhanced Hubble Space Telescope image shows in remarkable detail the inner portion of the disk of dust and gas surrounding the star AB Aurigae. Knots of material, visible here for the first time...

Молодая звезда, темное облако Young Star, Dark Cloud

High-speed outflows of molecular gas from a young stellar object glow in infrared light, revealing themselves in this recent false-color image from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Cataloged as HH (Herbig-Haro) 46/47 the infrared source...

AB Возничего: как сделать планеты? AB Aurigae: How To Make Planets

This enhanced Hubble Space Telescope image shows in remarkable detail the inner portion of the disk of dust and gas surrounding the star AB Aurigae. Knots of material, visible here for the first time...

Пылевой диск вокруг Фомальгаута Fomalhaut's Dusty Debris Disk

Fomalhaut is a bright star, a 25 light-year voyage from planet Earth in the direction of the constellation Piscis Austrinus. Astronomers first noticed Fomalhaut's excess infrared emission in the 1980s. Space and ground-based...

Формирующаяся звездная система T Tauri The T Tauri Star Forming System

What did the Sun look like before there were planets? A prototype laboratory for the formation of low mass stars like our Sun is the T Tauri system, one of the brighter star systems toward the constellation of Taurus. In young systems, gravity causes a gas cloud to condense.

 < March 2025  
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