Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: Deep Sky
Большой Ковш и глубокое небо Big Dipper, Deep Sky

The Big Dipper is an easy to recognize, well-known asterism in northern skies, though many see the Plough or Wagon. Famous bright nebulae of the north can also be found along its familiar lines, highlighted in this carefully composed scene with telescopic insets framed in the wider-field skyview.

Глубокое небо за затмившейся Луной A Deep Sky Behind an Eclipsed Moon

The plan was to capture a picturesque part of the sky that was hosting an unusual guest. The result included a bonus Б an additional and unexpected guest. The beautiful background features part...

Глубокое небо в направлении Андромеды The Deep Sky Toward Andromeda

What surrounds the Andromeda galaxy? Out in space, Andromeda (M31) is closely surrounded by several small satellite galaxies, and further out it is part of the Local Group of Galaxies -- of which our Milky Way galaxy is also a member.

Глубокий обзор южного неба A Deep Field In The Southern Sky

This deep view of the cosmos is the sequel to the 1995 hit Hubble Space Telescope Deep Field. Billed as the Hubble Deep Field South, it was produced by pointing the space telescope toward a patch of sky in the southern constellation Tucana.

Комета Леммон и глубокое небо Comet Lemmon and the Deep Sky

Now sweeping high above the ecliptic plane, Comet Lemmon has faded dramatically in planet Earth's night sky as it heads for the outer solar system. Some 16 light-minutes (2 AU) from...

Глубокое поле южного неба A Deep Field In The Southern Sky

This new deep view of the cosmos is the sequel to the 1995 hit Hubble Space Telescope Deep Field. Billed as the Hubble Deep Field South, it was produced by pointing the space telescope toward a patch of sky in the southern constellation Tucana.

Большое представление в небесах The Great Gig in the Sky

There were no crowds on the beach at Phillips Lake, Oregon on August 21. But a few had come there to stand, for a moment, in the dark shadow of the Moon. From the beach, this unscripted mosaic photo records their much anticipated solar eclipse.

Туманности: от Чайки до Калифорнии APOD: 2024 January 23 Б Deep Nebulas: From Seagull to California

How well do you know the night sky? OK, but how well can you identify famous sky objects in a very deep image? Either way, here is a test: see if you can find some well-known night-sky icons in a deep image filled with faint nebulosity.

В центре Возничего Downtown Auriga

Rich in star clusters and nebulae, the ancient constellation of Auriga, the Charioteer, rides high in northern winter night skies. Spanning nearly 24 full moons (12 degrees) on the sky, this deep telescopic mosaic view recorded in January shows off some of Auriga's most popular sights for cosmic tourists.

Новая Дельфина 2013 Nova Delphini 2013

Using a small telescope to scan the skies on August 14, Japanese amateur astronomer Koichi Itagaki discovered a "new" star within the boundaries of the constellation Delphinus. Indicated in this skyview captured on August 15 from Stagecoach, Colorado, it is now appropriately designated Nova Delphini 2013.

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