Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: gravitational lens
Анимация: черная дыра разрушает звезду Animation: Black Hole Star Shredder

What happens if a star gets too close to a black hole? The black hole can rip it apart -- but how? It's not the high gravitational attraction itself that's the problem -- it's the difference in gravitational pull across the star that creates the destruction.

Кольцо вокруг галактики Ring Around the Galaxy

It is difficult to hide one galaxy far behind another. The closer galaxy's gravity will act like a huge lens, pulling images of the background galaxy around both sides. This is just...

Глубокое Поле космического телескопа-Юг The Hubble Deep Field South

Among the faintest objects are some of the most unusual objects. The Hubble Deep Field South was released after much anticipation earlier this month, delivering a unique view of some of the most distant parts of our universe. Part of this field is shown above.

APM 08279+5255: самый яркий объект APM 08279+5255: The Brightest Object Yet Known

It shines with the brightness of 100 billion Suns. Is it a mirage? The recently discovered quasar labeled APM 08279+5255 has set a new record as being the brightest continuously emitting object yet known.

Скопление галактик Эйбелл 370 и за ним Galaxy Cluster Abell 370 and Beyond

Some 4 billion light-years away, massive galaxy cluster Abell 370 only appears to be dominated by two giant elliptical galaxies and infested with faint arcs in this sharp Hubble Space Telescope snapshot. The fainter...

Странные вспышки в шаровом скоплении M22 Unusual Flashes Toward Globular Cluster M22

What is causing the unusual flashes behind globular cluster M22? This teaming ball of stars is the brightest globular cluster visible in Earth's northern hemisphere. M22, shown in full in the inset, spans about 50 light years away and lies 8500 light-years toward the constellation of Sagittarius.

Иллюзия и эволюция в скоплении галактик Эйбелл 2667 Illusion and Evolution in Galaxy Cluster Abell 2667

What's happening to the galaxies of cluster Abell 2667? On the upper left, a galaxy appears to be breaking up into small pieces, while on the far right, another galaxy appears to be stretched like taffy.

Темная материя в модели Вселенной Dark Matter in a Simulated Universe

Is our universe haunted? It might look that way on this dark matter map. The gravity of unseen dark matter is the leading explanation for why galaxies rotate so fast, why galaxies orbit clusters...

Галактика в скоплении создала четыре изображения далёкой Сверхновой Galaxy and Cluster Create Four Images of Distant Supernova

What are the unusual spots surrounding that galaxy? They are all images of the same supernova. For the first time, a single supernova explosion has been seen split into multiple images by the gravitational lens deflections of intervening masses. In this case the masses are a large galaxy and its home galaxy cluster.

Темная материя в модели Вселенной Dark Matter in a Simulated Universe

Is our universe haunted? It might look that way on this dark matter map. The gravity of unseen dark matter is the leading explanation for why galaxies rotate so fast, why galaxies orbit clusters...

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