Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: rocks
Скалистый навес "Король крыльев" под Млечным Путем King of Wings Hoodoo under the Milky Way

This rock structure is not only surreal -- it's real. The reason it's not more famous is that it is, perhaps, smaller than one might guess: the capstone rock overhangs only a few meters.

Скалистый навес "Король крыльев" под Млечным Путем APOD: 2024 July 21 Б King of Wings Hoodoo under the Milky Way

This rock structure is not only surreal -- it's real. Perhaps the reason it's not more famous is that it is smaller than one might guess: the capstone rock overhangs only a few meters.

Млечный Путь над каньоном Брайс The Milky Way Over Bryce Canyon

What are those strange rock structures? They are towers and walls of sedimentary rock that are particularly plentiful in Bryce Canyon in Utah, USA. The rock columns may rise higher than 50 meters and are called hoodoos. On the far left is Thor's Hammer, perhaps the most famous hoodoo.

Структура Ришат на Земле Earths Richat Structure

What on Earth is that? The Richat Structure in the Sahara Desert of Mauritania is easily visible from space because it is nearly 50 kilometers across. Once thought to be an impact crater, the Richat Structure's flat middle and lack of shock-altered rock indicates otherwise.

Вулканический "Шишковатый валун" на Марсе Volcanic Bumpy Boulder on Mars

What created this unusually textured rock on Mars? Most probably: a volcano. Dubbed Bumpy Boulder, the strange stone measuring just under a half-meter high was found by the robotic Spirit rover currently rolling across Mars.

Тарелка марсианской черники A Berry Bowl of Martian Spherules

How were these unusual Martian spherules created? Thousands of unusual gray spherules, made of iron and rock but dubbed blueberries, were found embedded in and surrounding rocks near the landing site of the robot Opportunity rover on Mars.

Моряк Билл и вездеход Barnacle Bill And Sojourner

Deployed on a pop-up mast to its full height, the Sagan Memorial Station's IMP camera now stands about 5 feet above the surface of Ares Vallis - on Mars. This is one of the first images from its new vantage point, showing the rover Sojourner near a rock named Barnacle Bill.

Марсоход Кьюриосити делает селфи на Марсе Curiosity Rover Takes Selfie on Mars

Yes, but have you ever taken a selfie on Mars? The Curiosity rover on Mars has. This selfie was compiled from many smaller images -- which is why the mechanical arm holding the camera is not visible.

Необычные шарики на Марсе Unusual Spherules on Mars

What are those unusual spherules on Mars? The Mars Opportunity rover has now photographed several unusual nodules on Mars that have a nearly spherical shape. Many times these spherules are embedded in larger rock outcroppings but appear grayer.

Выход пород Мафусаил на Марсе Methuselah Outcrop on Mars

What the history of the outcropping of rock called Methuselah? The unusual rock group is visible on the left of the above image taken by the robot Spirit rover current exploring Mars. Methuselah was discovered while maneuvering over hilly terrain and shows unusual multiple layering that caught the attention of the rover science team.

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