Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: colliding galaxies
NGC 3310: спиральная галактика с вспышкой звездообразования NGC 3310: A Starburst Spiral Galaxy

The party is still going on in spiral galaxy NGC 3310. Roughly 100 million years ago, NGC 3310 likely collided with a smaller galaxy causing the large spiral galaxy to light up with a tremendous burst of star formation.

Aрп 273: битва галактик от телескопа им.Хаббла Arp 273: Battling Galaxies from Hubble

What's happening to these spiral galaxies? Although details remain uncertain, there sure seems to be a titanic battle going on. The upper galaxy is labelled UGC 1810 by itself, but together with its collisional partners is known as Arp 273.

Моделирование кольца из темной материи вокруг скопления галактик CL0024+17 Dark Matter Ring Modeled around Galaxy Cluster CL0024 17

How do we know that dark matter isn't just normal matter exhibiting strange gravity? A new observation of gravitationally magnified faint galaxies far in the distance behind a massive cluster of galaxies is shedding new dark on the subject.

Глубокие изображения Магеллановых Облаков свидетельствуют о столкновении Deep Magellanic Clouds Image Indicates Collisions

Did the two most famous satellite galaxies of our Milky Way Galaxy once collide? No one knows for sure, but a detailed inspection of deep images like that featured here give an indication that they have.

Андромеда восходит над Альпами Andromeda Rising over the Alps

Have you ever seen the Andromeda galaxy? Although M31 appears as a faint and fuzzy blob to the unaided eye, the light you see will be over two million years old, making it likely the oldest light you ever will see directly.

Начало скоплений The Dawn of the Clusters

What did the universe look like near the beginning? This exciting photo by the Hubble Space Telescope is one of the deepest ever taken, and shows galaxies as far away as ever before photographed. The universe back then - when only one third of its present age - was a strange and violent place.

Группа галактик Хиксон 31 Galaxy Group Hickson 31

Will the result of these galactic collisions be one big elliptical galaxy? Quite possibly, but not for another billion years. Pictured above, several of the dwarf galaxies of in the Hickson Compact Group 31 are seen slowly merging.

NGC 2623: сливающиеся галактики от телескопа им.Хаббла NGC 2623: Merging Galaxies from Hubble

Where do stars form when galaxies collide? To help find out, astronomers imaged the nearby galaxy merger NGC 2623 in high resolution with the Hubble Space Telescope. Analysis of this and other Hubble images...

NGC 2623: слияние галактик в космический телескоп Хаббла NGC 2623: Galaxy Merger from Hubble

Where do stars form when galaxies collide? To help find out, astronomers imaged the nearby galaxy merger NGC 2623 in high resolution with the Hubble Space Telescope in 2007. Analysis of this Hubble image...

Гибель Млечного Пути: надвигающееся столкновение с галактикой Андромеды Milky Way Galaxy Doomed: Collision with Andromeda Pending

Will our Milky Way Galaxy collide one day with its larger neighbor, the Andromeda Galaxy? Most likely, yes. Careful plotting of slight displacements of M31's stars relative to background galaxies on recent Hubble...

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