Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: interstellar medium
Гало туманности NGC 6164 A Halo for NGC 6164

Beautiful emission nebula NGC 6164 was created by a rare, hot, luminous O-type star, some 40 times as massive as the Sun. Seen at the center of the cosmic cloud, the star is a mere 3 to 4 million years old.

M82: галактика со сверхгалактическим ветром APOD: 2023 August 2 Б M82: Galaxy with a Supergalactic Wind

Why is the Cigar Galaxy billowing red smoke? M82, as this starburst galaxy is also known, was stirred up by a recent pass near large spiral galaxy M81. This doesn't fully explain the source of the red-glowing outwardly expanding gas and dust, however.

Местное межзвёздное облако The Local Fluff

The stars are not alone. In the disk of our Milky Way Galaxy about 10 percent of visible matter is in the form of gas, called the interstellar medium (ISM). The ISM is not uniform, and shows patchiness even near our Sun.

Местное межзвездное облако APOD: 2024 December 22 Б The Local Fluff

The stars are not alone. In the disk of our Milky Way Galaxy, about 10 percent of visible matter is in the form of gas called the interstellar medium (ISM). The ISM is not uniform and shows patchiness even near our Sun.

Большое Магелланово Облако в инфракрасном свете The Large Magellanic Cloud in Infrared

Where does dust collect in galaxies? To help find out, a team of researchers took the most detailed image ever of gas clouds and dust in the neighboring Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) galaxy.

Межзвездный Вояджер Interstellar Voyager

Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 were launched in 1977 on a grand tour of the outer planets of the Solar System. They have become the longest operating and most distant spacecraft from Earth. Both have traveled beyond the heliosphere, the realm defined by the influence of the solar wind and the Sun's magnetic field.

Кокон Гершеля Herschel s Cocoon

In this remarkable infrared skyscape of interstellar clouds adrift in the high flying constellation Cygnus, the eye is drawn to the Cocoon Nebula. Also known as IC5146, the dusty star forming region is shown...

Выдутая звездным ветром туманность NGC 3199 Windblown NGC 3199

NGC 3199 lies about 12,000 light-years away, a glowing cosmic cloud in the nautical southern constellation of Carina. The nebula is about 75 light-years across in this narrowband, false-color view. Though the deep...

Выдутая звездным ветром туманность NGC 3199 Windblown NGC 3199

NGC 3199 lies about 12,000 light-years away, a glowing cosmic cloud in the southern constellation of Carina. The nebula is about 75 light-years across in this haunting, false-color view. Though the deep image...

Асимметричная туманность вокруг звезды Вольфа-Райе 18 The Asymmetric Nebula Surrounding Wolf Rayet Star 18

Why does the nebula around the star WR-18 shine brighter on one side? Also known as NGC 3199, this active star and its surrounding nebula lie about 12,000 light-years away toward the nautical southern constellation of Carina.

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