Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Сверхглубокое поле Хаббла в свете и звуке The Hubble Ultra Deep Field in Light and Sound

Have you heard about the Hubble Ultra-Deep Field? Either way, you've likely not heard about it like this -- please run your cursor over the featured image and listen! The Hubble Ultra-Deep Field (HUDF)...

Моделирование формирования дисковой галактики APOD: 2023 May 31 Б Simulation: A Disk Galaxy Forms

How did we get here? We know that we live on a planet orbiting a star orbiting a galaxy, but how did all of this form? Since our universe moves too slowly to watch, faster-moving computer simulations are created to help find out.

Полное затмение активного Солнца Total Eclipse of the Active Sun

A total eclipse of the Sun is that special geocentric celestial event where the Moon passes exactly in front of the solar disk. During a fleeting few minutes of totality, fortunate earthdwellers located within...

Комета Швассмана-Вахмана 3 проходит мимо Земли Comet Schwassmann Wachmann 3 Passes the Earth

Rarely does a comet pass this close to Earth. Last week, dedicated astrofilmographers were able to take advantage of the close approach of crumbling 73P / Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 to make time-lapse movies of the fast-moving comet. Large comet fragments passed about 25 times the Moon's distance from the Earth.

Гигантский Кальмар и Летучая мышь A Giant Squid in the Flying Bat

Very faint but also very large on planet Earth's sky, a giant Squid Nebula cataloged as Ou4, and Sh2-129 also known as the Flying Bat Nebula, are both caught in this scene toward the royal constellation Cepheus.

Сверхновая и цефеиды в спиральной галактике UGC 9391 The Supernova and Cepheids of Spiral Galaxy UGC 9391

What can this galaxy tell us about the expansion rate of the universe? Perhaps a lot because UGC 9391, featured, not only contains Cepheid variable stars (red circles) but also a recent Type Ia supernova (blue X).

NGC 1512: Панхроматический вид NGC 1512: A Panchromatic View

This spectacular color picture of the core of barred spiral galaxy NGC 1512 (bottom panel) is a composite of the seven Hubble Space Telescope images arrayed along the top. Each top panel image was made with a filter and camera sensitive to a different wavelength band in the electromagnetic spectrum.

"Прожилка" метеора из Леонид Leonid Meteors Streak

The 2004 Leonids meteor shower had its ups and downs. Although average rates were significantly less than many previous years, as expected, at least two unexpected "mini-outbursts" of several bright meteors over a few minutes were reported.

Модель TNG50: формирование скопления галактик Simulation TNG50: A Galaxy Cluster Forms

How do clusters of galaxies form? Since our universe moves too slowly to watch, faster-moving computer simulations are created to help find out. A recent effort is TNG50 from IllustrisTNG, an upgrade of the famous Illustris Simulation.

Луна во время полного лунного затмения The Moon During a Total Lunar Eclipse

How does the Moon's appearance change during a total lunar eclipse? The featured time-lapse video was digitally processed to keep the Moon bright and centered during the 5-hour eclipse of 2018 January 31. At first the full moon is visible because only a full moon can undergo a lunar eclipse.

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