Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Кратер "Мозг" на Марсе Brain Crater on Mars

What caused this unusual looking crater floor on Mars? Appearing at first glance to resemble the human brain, the natural phenomena that created the unusual texture on the floor of this Martian impact crater are currently under investigation. The light colored region surrounding the brain-textured region is likely sand dunes sculpted by winds.

Стена кратера на плато Солис Crater Wall on Solis Planum

This dramatic perspective view looks south-east along the wall of a large eroded impact crater on Solis Planum, bordering the mountainous Thaumasia region of Mars. Stretching for about 50 kilometers into the scene, the crater wall is around 800 meters high.

Похожий на паука кратер на Меркурии A Spider Shaped Crater on Mercury

Why does this crater on Mercury look like a spider? When the robotic MESSENGER spacecraft glided by the planet Mercury last month, it was able to image portions of the Sun's closest planet that had never been seen before.

Кратер Миссула на Марсе Missoula Crater on Mars

Scroll right to see the rocks, craters, and hills that were in view for the Spirit rover last week as it continued its trek across Mars. Missoula crater, taking up much of the above frame, appeared from orbit to have ejecta from Bonneville crater inside it.

Марс: Большой Кратер в стерео Mars: Big Crater in Stereo

Get out your red/blue glasses and check out this stereo picture of "Big Crater" on Mars! (Pieces of red and blue or green clear plastic will do. Your right eye should look through...

Кратер Интрепид на Марсе Intrepid Crater on Mars from Opportunity

The robotic rover Opportunity sometimes passes small craters on Mars. Pictured here in 2010 is Intrepid Crater, a 20-meter across impact basin slightly larger than Nereus Crater that Opportunity had chanced across previously. The featured image is in approximately true color but horizontally compressed to accommodate a wide angle panorama.

Южные кратеры и галактики Southern Craters and Galaxies

The Henbury craters in the Northern Territory, Australia, planet Earth, are the scars of an impact over 4,000 years old. When an ancient meteorite fragmented into dozens of pieces, the largest made the 180 meter diameter crater whose weathered walls and floor are lit in the foreground of this southern hemisphere nightscape.

Кратер Интрепид на Марсе Intrepid Crater on Mars

The robotic rover Opportunity has chanced across another small crater on Mars. Pictured above is Intrepid Crater, a 20-meter across impact basin slightly larger than Nereus Crater that Opportunity chanced across last year. The above image is in approximately true color but horizontally compressed to accommodate a wide angle panorama.

Помогите НАСА в классификации марсианских кратеров Help NASA Classify Martian Craters

The large Martian crater above just left of center: is this a fresh crater, a degraded crater, or a ghost crater? Complex image recognition tasks like these are currently done more reliably by a human than a computer.

У края кратера Виктории At the Edge of Victoria Crater

We're going in. The robotic Opportunity rover currently rolling across Mars has been prowling around the edge of the largest crater it has visited since landing over three years ago. It has been studying Victoria crater and looking for a way in.

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