Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: dark matter
MACSJ0025: столкновение двух гигантских скоплений галактик MACSJ0025: Two Giant Galaxy Clusters Collide

What happens when two of the largest objects in the universe collide? No one was quite sure, but the answer is giving clues to the nature of mysterious dark matter. In the case of MACSJ0025.

NGC 4449: звёздный поток от карликовой галактики NGC 4449: Star Stream for a Dwarf Galaxy

A mere 12.5 million light-years from Earth, irregular dwarf galaxy NGC 4449 lies within the confines of Canes Venatici, the constellation of the Hunting Dogs. About the size of our Milky Way's satellite...

Пыль и звезды Млечного Пути The Milky Way in Stars and Dust

The disk of our Milky Way Galaxy is home to hot nebulae, cold dust, and billions of stars. This disk can be seen from a dark location on Earth as a band of diffuse light across the sky.

Скопление галактик Абель 1689 проливает свет на тёмную Вселенную Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689 Magnifies the Dark Universe

What's the matter with this cluster of galaxies? To find out what forms matter takes in the Abell 1689 cluster requires not only deep images from telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope, but detailed computer modeling as well. To start, almost every fuzzy yellow patch in the above image is an entire galaxy.

Горячий газ во Вселенной The Universe in Hot Gas

Where is most of the normal matter in the Universe? Recent observations from the Chandra X-ray Observatory confirm that it is in hot gas filaments strewn throughout the universe. "Normal matter" refers to known elements and familiar fundamental particles.

Неожиданное рентгеновское излучение из скопления галактик в Персее Unexpected X Rays from Perseus Galaxy Cluster

Why does the Perseus galaxy cluster shine so strangely in one specific color of X-rays? No one is sure, but a much-debated hypothesis holds that these X-rays are a clue to the long-sought identity of dark matter.

Слабое линзирование искажает Вселенную Weak Lensing Distorts the Universe

Is the distant universe really what it appears to be? Astronomers hope not. Intervening dark matter, which is normally invisible, might show its presence by distorting images originating in the distant universe, much the way an old window distorts images originating on the other side.

Слабое линзирование искривляет Вселенную Weak Lensing Distorts the Universe

Is the distant universe really what it appears to be? Astronomers hope not. Intervening dark matter, which is normally invisible, might show its presence by distorting images originating in the distant universe, much the way an old window distorts images originating on the other side.

Абель 2744: скопление Пандоры Abell 2744: Pandoras Cluster of Galaxies

Why is this cluster of galaxies so jumbled? Far from a smooth distribution, Abell 2744 not only has knots of galaxies, but the X-ray emitting hot gas (colored red) in the cluster appears distributed differently than the dark matter.

Вещество в скоплении Пуля The Matter of the Bullet Cluster

What's the matter with the Bullet Cluster? This massive cluster of galaxies (1E 0657-558) creates gravitational lens distortions of background galaxies in a way that has been interpreted as strong evidence for the leading theory: that dark matter exists within.

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