Astronomy Picture of the Day

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Комета - цель Розетты Rosetta s Target Comet

The Rosetta spacecraft captured this remarkable series of 9 frames between March 27 and May 4, as it closed from 5 million to 2 million kilometers of its target comet. Cruising along...

Фрагменты кометы Швассмана-Вахмана 3 APOD: 2023 September 3 Б Comet Schwassmann Wachmann 3 Fragments

Periodic comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 3 has broken up at least twice. A cosmic souffle of ice and dust left over from the early solar system, this comet was first seen to split into several large pieces during the close-in part of its orbit in 1995.

Комета МакНота над Чили Comet McNaught Over Chile

Comet McNaught of 2007 has been, so far, the most photogenic comet of our time. After making quite a show in the northern hemisphere in early 2007 January, the comet moved south and developed a long and unusual dust tail that dazzled southern hemisphere observers. In this image, Comet McNaught was captured above Santiago, Chile.

Комета NEOWISE над Ливаном Comet NEOWISE over Lebanon

A comet has suddenly become visible to the unaided eye. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) was discovered in late March and brightened as it reached its closest approach to the Sun, inside the orbit of Mercury, late last week.

Близкая комета и Большое Магелланово Облако Close Comet and Large Magellanic Cloud

Sporting a surprisingly bright, lovely green coma Comet 252P/Linear poses next to the Large Magellanic Cloud in this southern skyscape. The stack of telephoto exposures was captured on March 16 from Penwortham, South Australia.

Удивительная комета ISON Surprising Comet ISON

After failing to appear for Sun staring spacecraft at perihelion, its harrowing closest approach to the Sun, sungrazing Comet ISON was presumed lost. But ISON surprised observers yesterday as material still traveling along the comet's trajectory became visible and even developed an extensive fan-shaped dust tail.

Красная туманность, зеленая комета, голубые звезды Red Nebula, Green Comet, Blue Stars

This festively colored skyscape was captured in the early morning hours of December 17, following Comet Wirtanen's closest approach to planet Earth. The comet was just visible to the eye. The lovely green...

Комета Лавджоя в развалинах замка Мёрби Comet Lovejoy through Morby Castle Ruins

This new comet is quite photogenic. Comet Lovejoy, discovered only three months ago, was imaged through ruins of ancient MЖrby Castle in Sweden last week sporting a green-glowing coma and tails trailing several degrees.

Комета, планета, Луна APOD: 2024 April 29 Б Comet, Planet, Moon

Three bright objects satisfied seasoned stargazers of the western sky just after sunset earlier this month. The most familiar was the Moon, seen on the upper left in a crescent phase. The rest of the Moon was faintly visible by sunlight first reflected by the Earth.

Комета МакНота над Каталонией Comet McNaught Over Catalonia

This past weekend Comet McNaught peaked at a brightness that surpassed even Venus. Fascinated sky enthusiasts in the Earth's northern hemisphere were treated to an instantly visible comet head and a faint elongated tail near sunrise and sunset.

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