Astronomy Picture of the Day

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NGC 2170: небесный натюрморт NGC 2170: Celestial Still Life

Is this a painting or a photograph? In this beautiful celestial still life composed with a cosmic brush, dusty nebula NGC 2170 shines near the image center. Reflecting the light of nearby hot stars...

NGC 2170: натюрморт с туманностью Ангел NGC 2170: Angel Nebula Still Life

Is this a painting or a photograph? In this classic celestial still life composed with a cosmic brush, dusty nebula NGC 2170, also known as the Angel Nebula, shines near the image center. Reflecting...

Океаны жизни на Европе? Europa: Oceans of Life?

Is there life beneath Europa's frozen surface? Some believe the oceans found there of carbon-enriched water are the best chance for life, outside the Earth, in our Solar System. Europa, the fourth largest moon of Jupiter, was recently discovered to have a thin oxygen atmosphere by scientists using the Hubble Space Telescope.

NGC 2170: натюрморт из космической пыли NGC 2170: Still Life with Reflecting Dust

In this beautiful celestial still life composed with a cosmic brush, dusty nebula NGC 2170 shines at the upper left. Reflecting the light of nearby hot stars, NGC 2170 is joined by other bluish reflection nebulae, a compact red emission region, and streamers of obscuring dust against a backdrop of stars.

Бактериофаги: самая распространенная форма жизни на Земле Bacteriophages: The Most Common Life Like Form on Earth

There are more bacteriophages on Earth than any other life-like form. These small viruses are not clearly a form of life, since when not attached to bacteria they are completely dormant. Bacteriophages attack and eat bacteria and have likely been doing so for over 3 billion years ago.

День из жизни человека-солнечные часы A Day in the Life of a Human Sundial

Have you ever wanted to be a gnomon? Of course, a gnomon is the tall part of a sundial that casts a shadow. The gnomon's shadow moves as the Sun moves across the sky, indicating time by the shadow's position on the dial face.

Может ли существовать на Марсе жизнь на основе перекиси водорода Could Hydrogen Peroxide Life Survive on Mars

Is there life on Mars? Although no unambiguous evidence for indigenous life on Mars has ever been found, a more speculative question -- could some life forms survive on Mars -- has taken on a new twist.

На астероиде Бенну есть строительные блоки жизни APOD: 2025 February 12 Б Asteroid Bennu Holds the Building Blocks of Life

What can a space rock tell us about life on Earth? NASA's OSIRIS-REx spacecraft made a careful approach to the near-Earth asteroid 101955 Bennu in October of 2020 to collect surface samples. In September 2023, the robotic spaceship returned these samples to Earth.

Древняя микроскопическая жизнь на Марсе? Early Microscopic Life on Mars?

Today a team of NASA and Stanford scientists announced the discovery of strong circumstantial evidence that microscopic life once existed on Mars. Dr. David McKay, Dr. Everett Gibson, and Kathie Thomas-Keprta of Lockheed-Martin, all from (NASA /JSC), and Dr.

Персеверанс: необычные камни и поиск жизни на Марсе Perseverance 360: Unusual Rocks and the Search for Life on Mars

Is that a fossil?б Looking through recent images of Mars taken by the new Perseverance rover may seem a bit like treasure hunting, with the possibility of fame coming to the first person...

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