Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: high energy astrophysics
Арп 299: чёрные дыры в сталкивающихся галактиках Arp 299: Black Holes in Colliding Galaxies

Is only one black hole spewing high energy radiation -- or two? To help find out, astronomers trained NASA's Earth-orbiting NuSTAR and Chandra telescopes on Arp 299, the enigmatic colliding galaxies expelling the radiation.

Загадка в гамма-лучах A Mystery in Gamma Rays

Gamma rays are the most energetic form of light, packing a million or more times the energy of visible light photons. If you could see gamma rays, the familiar skyscape of steady stars would be replaced by some of the most bizarre objects known to modern astrophysics -- and some which are unknown.

NGC 253: галактика Серебряный Доллар NGC 253: The Silver Coin Galaxy

NGC 253 is one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, but also one of the dustiest. Dubbed the Silver Coin for its appearance in smalltelescopes, it is more formally known as the Sculptor Galaxy for its location within the boundaries of the southern constellation Sculptor.

Мистерия в гамма-лучах A Mystery in Gamma Rays

Gamma rays are the most energetic form of light, packing a million or more times the energy of visible light photons. If you could see gamma rays, the familiar skyscape of steady stars would be replaced by some of the most bizarre objects known to modern astrophysics -- and some which are unknown.

Тайна в гамма-свете A Mystery in Gamma Rays

Gamma rays are the most energetic form of light, packing a million or more times the energy of visible light photons. What if you could see gamma rays? If you could, the familiar skyscape...

Солнечные гранулы с рекордно высоким разрешением Solar Granules at Record High Resolution

Why does the Sun's surface keep changing? The help find out, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) has built the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope in Hawaii, USA. The Inouye telescope...

Внутри детектора антинейтрино в Дайя Бэй Inside a Daya Bay Antineutrino Detector

Why is there more matter than antimatter in the Universe? To better understand this facet of basic physics, energy departments in China and the USA led in the creation of the Daya Bay Reactor Neutrino Experiment.

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 < March 2025  
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