Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: colliding galaxies
Облака на Земле и в небе Clouds of Earth and Sky

If you go high enough, you may find yourself on a picturesque perch between the water clouds of the Earth and the star clouds of the Milky Way. Such was the case last month for one adventurous alpinist astrophotographer.

Телескоп Джемини-Север: головная ударная волна вблизи центра Галактики Gemini North Images Bow Shock Near Galactic Center

What's going on near the center of our Galaxy? Glowing across the electromagnetic spectrum, the center of our Milky Way Galaxy is thought to be home to massive stars, rotating gas rings, and a massive black hole. Now the central Galactic zoo just got larger.

Лебедь X: внутренности соседней звёздной фабрики Cygnus X: The Inner Workings of a Nearby Star Factory

How do stars form? To help study this complex issue, astronomers took a deep infrared image of Cygnus X, the largest known star forming region in the entire Milky Way Galaxy. The above recently-released...

Как GLAST увидит гамма-небо в 2005 году GLAST Gamma Ray Sky Simulation

What shines in the gamma-ray sky? This simulated image models the intensities of gamma rays with over 40 million times the energy of visible light, and represents how the sky might appear to the Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) after its first year in orbit.

Модель гамма-неба с помощью GLAST GLAST Gamma Ray Sky Simulation

This simulated image models the intensities of gamma rays with over 40 million times the energy of visible light, and represents how the sky might appear to the proposed Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) after its first year in orbit.

Рентгеновское излучение M17 X Rays from M17

About 5,000 light-years away, toward the constellation Sagittarius and the center of our galaxy, lies the bright star forming region cataloged as M17. In visible light, M17's bowed and hollowed-out appearance has resulted in many popular names like the Horseshoe, Swan, Omega, and Lobster nebula. But what has sculpted this glowing gas cloud?

Гамма-лучи от темной материи в центре Галактики Gamma Rays from Galactic Center Dark Matter

What is creating the gamma rays at the center of our Galaxy? Excitement is building that one answer is elusive dark matter. Over the past few years the orbiting Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope has been imaging our Galaxy's center in gamma-rays.

Радиодуга в центре Галактики APOD: 2023 April 3 Б The Galactic Center Radio Arc

What causes this unusual curving structure near the center of our Galaxy? The long parallel rays slanting across the top of the featured radio image are known collectively as the Galactic Center Radio Arc and point out from the Galactic plane.

Радио-дуга в центре Галактики The Galactic Center Radio Arc

What causes this unusual structure near the center of our Galaxy? The long parallel rays slanting across the top of the above radio image are known collectively as the Galactic Center Radio Arc and jut straight out from the Galactic plane.

Радио-дуга в центре Галактики The Galactic Center Radio Arc

What causes this unusual structure near the center of our Galaxy? The long parallel rays slanting across the top of the above radio image are known collectively as the Galactic Center Radio Arc and jut straight out from the Galactic plane.

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