Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: supernova
Яркая сверхновая в M82 Bright Supernova in M82

Astronomers really don't find supernovae by looking for the arrows. But in this image taken January 23rd, an arrow does point to an exciting, new supernova, now cataloged as SN 2014J, in nearby bright galaxy M82.

Новые ударные волны СН 1987A New Shocks For Supernova 1987A

In February of 1987, astronomers witnessed the brightest supernova of modern times - supernova 1987A in the Large Magellanic Cloud. Mysterious rings of material surrounding the expanding stellar debris were soon emitting a visible glow excited by intense light from the explosion.

Молодая сверхновая в близкой галактике "Вертушка" A Young Supernova in the Nearby Pinwheel Galaxy

A nearby star has exploded and telescopes all over the world are turning to monitor it. The supernova, dubbed PTF 11kly, was discovered by computer only two days ago as part of the Palomar Transit Factory (PTF) sky survey utilizing the wide angle 1.2-meter Samuel Oschwin Telescope in California.

SN 2006gy: самая яркая сверхновая SN 2006GY: Brightest Supernova

The stellar explosion cataloged as supernova SN 2006gy shines in this wide-field image (left) of its host galaxy, NGC 1260, and expanded view (upper right panel) of the region surrounding the galaxy's core.

RCW 86: остаток исторической сверхновой APOD: 2006 September 28- RCW 86: Historical Supernova Remnant

In 185 AD, Chinese astronomers recorded the appearance of a new star in the Nanmen asterism - a part of the sky identified with Alpha and Beta Centauri on modern star charts. The new star was visible for months and is thought to be the earliest recorded supernova.

Остаток сверхновой Кеплера в рентгеновских лучах Keplers Supernova Remnant in X Rays

What caused this mess? Some type of star exploded to create the unusually shaped nebula known as Kepler's supernova remnant, but which type? Light from the stellar explosion that created this energized cosmic cloud was first seen on planet Earth in October 1604, a mere four hundred years ago.

Скопление галактик увеличило яркость далёкой сверхновой Galaxy Cluster Magnifies Distant Supernova

How do you calibrate a huge gravitational lens? In this case the lens is the galaxy cluster Abell 383, a massive conglomeration of galaxies, hot gas, and dark matter that lies about 2.5 billion light years away (redshift z=0.187).

Рентгеновское излучение остатка сверхновой SN 1006 X rays from Supernova Remnant SN 1006

What looks like a puff-ball is surely the remains of the brightest supernova in recorded human history. In 1006 AD, it was recorded as lighting up the nighttime skies above areas now known as China, Egypt, Iraq, Italy, Japan, and Switzerland.

SN Реквием: сверхновая, которую увидели три раза SN Requiem: A Supernova Seen Three Times So Far

We've seen this same supernova three times -- when will we see it a fourth? When a distant star explodes in a supernova, we're lucky if we see it even once.

Остаток сверхновой Кеплера в рентгеновских лучах Kepler's Supernova Remnant in X Rays

What caused this mess? Some type of star exploded to create the unusually shaped nebula known as Kepler's supernova remnant, but which type? Light from the stellar explosion that created this energized cosmic cloud was first seen on planet Earth in October 1604, a mere four hundred years ago.

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