Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: Milky Way
Большой разлом около центра Млечного Пути Great Rift Near the Center of the Milky Way

Over 100 telescopic image panels in this stunning vertical mosaic span about 50 degrees across the night sky. They follow part of the Great Rift, the dark river of dust and molecular gas that stretches along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy.

Млечный Путь и зодиакальный свет над Чили Milky Way and Zodiacal Light over Chile

What is the band of light connecting the ground to the Milky Way? Zodiacal light -- a stream of dust that orbits the Sun in the inner Solar System. It is most easily seen just before sunrise, where it has been called a false dawn, or just after sunset.

Млечный Путь на рассвете A Milky Way Dawn

As dawn broke on March 27, the center of the Milky Way Galaxy stood almost directly above the European Southern Observatory's Paranal Observatory. In the dry, clear sky of Chile's Atacama desert...

Млечный Путь и планеты вблизи противостояния Milky Way and Planets Near Opposition

In this early May night skyscape, a mountain road near Bursa, Turkey seems to lead toward bright planets Mars and Saturn and the center of our Milky Way Galaxy, a direction nearly opposite the Sun in planet Earth's sky.

Лестница на Млечный Путь APOD: 2024 May 29 Б Stairway to the Milky Way

What happens if you ascend this stairway to the Milky Way? Before answering that, let's understand the beautiful sky you will see. Most eye-catching is the grand arch of the Milky Way Galaxy...

7 тысяч звезд и Млечный Путь 7,000 Stars and the Milky Way

This panorama view of the sky is really a drawing. It was made in the 1940s under the supervision of astronomer Knut Lundmark at the Lund Observatory in Sweden. To create the picture, draftsmen...

Млечный Путь над древними наскальными рисунками Milky Way Over Ancient Ghost Panel

Long before Stonehenge was built, well before the Dead Sea Scrolls were written, ancient artists painted life-sized figures on canyon walls in Utah, USA -- but why? Nobody is sure. The entire panel of figures...

Млечный Путь над каменными грибами Аризоны The Milky Way Over the Arizona Toadstools

Which is older -- the rocks you see on the ground or the light you see from the sky? Usually its the rocks that are older, with their origin sentiments deposited well before light left any of the stars or nebulas you see in the sky.

7 тысяч звезд и Млечный Путь 7,000 Stars And The Milky Way

This panorama view of the sky is really a drawing. It was made in the 1950s under the supervision of astronomer Knut Lundmark at the Lund Observatory in Sweden. To create the picture, draftsmen...

Млечный Путь и полярное сияние над Антарктидой APOD: 2023 July 2 Б Milky Way and Aurora over Antarctica

It was one of the better skies of this long night. In parts of Antarctica, not only is it winter, but the Sun can spend weeks below the horizon. At China's Zhongshan Station, people sometimes venture out into the cold to photograph a spectacular night sky.

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