Astronomy Picture of the Day

You entered: dust storm
Весенние пылевые бури на северном полюсе Марса Spring Dust Storms at the North Pole of Mars

Spring reached the north pole of Mars in May, and brought with it the usual dust storms. As the north polar cap begins to thaw, a temperature difference occurs between the cold frost region and recently thawed surface, resulting in swirling winds between the adjacent regions.

Глобальная пыльная буря на Марсе A Global Dust Storm on Mars

A dust storm on Mars can involve nearly the entire planet. As spring descended on the southern hemisphere of the red planet this June and July, a global dust storm raged. Pictured above is the storm on July 8 as it spread up from the south, oriented on the lower right.

Пылевая буря на Марсе Dust Storm on Mars

It's spring for the northern hemisphere of Mars and spring on Mars usually means dust storms. So the dramatic brown swath of dust (top) marking the otherwise white north polar cap in this picture of the Red Planet is not really surprising.

На Марсе приближается пылевая буря A Martian Dust Storm Approaches

Batten down the hatches, here comes another Martian dust storm. The thin soil on Mars can be picked up by high winds to create dust storms that sweep down plains and can sometimes envelop most of the planet.

Пылевой шторм на Земле Dust Storm on Planet Earth

From low Earth orbit, NASA's SeaWIFS instrument records ocean color, tracking changes in our water world's climate and biosphere. But even an ocean planet can have dust storms. On February 26th, SeaWIFS...

Буря на полюсе Марса A Polar Martian Dust Storm

On August 29, a large dust storm was photographed erupting out from the north polar cap of Mars. Such dust storms are not uncommon as summer advances in the north. In the above picture...

Пыльная буря на Марсе Martian Dust Storm

If you've been unhappy with the weather on Earth, check out Mars, now in the grip of a planet-wide dust storm. Above, observations from the orbiting Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) spacecraft illustrate the storm's progress through July 21.

Глобальные пылевые бури угрожают марсоходам Global Dust Storms Threaten Mars Rovers

Will global dust storms terminate the robotic Martian rovers? Over the past month, windy dust storms have blocked much needed sunlight from reaching the solar panels of both the Spirit and Opportunity rovers exploring Mars.

Пылевая буря в северных районах Марса Dust Storm Over Northern Mars

Almost on cue, as Mars nears it's closest approach to planet Earth in recorded history, ominous seasonal dust storms are beginning to kick up. Observers worry that the activity may presage the development...

Кьюриосити: селфи в пыли Curiosity s Dusty Self

Winds on Mars can't actually blow spacecraft over. But in the low gravity, martian winds can loft fine dust particles in planet-wide storms, like the dust storm now raging on the Red Planet.

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