Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: dark matter
Темная материя, рентгеновские лучи и NGC 720 Dark Matter, X rays, and NGC 720

Elliptical galaxy NGC 720 is enveloped in a cosmic cloud of x-ray emitting gas. Seen in this false color image from the Chandra X-ray Observatory, the extreme temperature of the gas - about 7 million...

Слабое линзирование искривляет Вселенную Weak Lensing Distorts the Universe

Is the distant universe really what it appears to be? Astronomers hope not. Intervening dark matter, which is normally invisible, might show its presence by distorting images originating in the distant universe, much the way an old window distorts images originating on the other side.

Великолепная спиральная галактика NGC 1232 Grand Spiral Galaxy NGC 1232

Galaxies are fascinating not only for what is visible, but for what is invisible. Grand spiral galaxy NGC 1232, captured in detail by one of the new Very Large Telescopes, is a good example.

Скопление галактик Абель 1689 проливает свет на тёмную Вселенную Galaxy Cluster Abell 1689 Magnifies the Dark Universe

What's the matter with this cluster of galaxies? To find out what forms matter takes in the Abell 1689 cluster requires not only deep images from telescopes like the Hubble Space Telescope, but detailed computer modeling as well. To start, almost every fuzzy yellow patch in the above image is an entire galaxy.

Abell 1689 искривляет пространство Abell 1689 Warps Space

Two billion light-years away, galaxy cluster Abell 1689 is one of the most massive objects in the Universe. In this view from the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys, Abell...

Каким будет конец Вселенной Will the Universe End in a Big Rip

How will our universe end? Recent speculation now includes a pervasive growing field of mysterious repulsive energy that rips virtually everything apart. Although the universe started with a Big Bang, analysis of recent cosmological measurements allows a possibility that it will end with a Big Rip.

Полярная кольцеобразная галактика NGC 4650A Polar Ring Galaxy NGC 4650A

NGC 4650A appears to be two galaxies in one. A rare type of galaxy known as a Polar Ring, NGC 4650A is composed of an old central group of stars and a young ring of stars rotating farther out. Both components are clearly visible in this featured photograph by the Hubble Space Telescope.

Горячий газ и темное вещество Hot Gas and Dark Matter

Is the gravity of the above galaxies high enough to contain the glowing hot gas? Superposed on an optical picture of a group of galaxies is an image taken in X-ray light. The X-ray...

Столкновение скоплений проливает свет на загадочную темную материю Cluster Crash Illuminates Dark Matter Conundrum

Huge clusters of galaxies are surely colliding in Abell 520 but astrophysicists aren't sure why the dark matter is becoming separated from the normal matter. The dark matter in the above multi-wavelength image is shown in false blue, determined by carefully detailing how the cluster distorts light emitted by more distant galaxies.

Наблюдение темной материи Галактики A MACHO View of Galactic Dark Matter

What is our Galaxy made of? Stellar motions indicate there is much more mass than just stars and gas. Photographs like the two shown above may be yielding a clue about the dark matter, however.

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