Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: stellar nursery
NGC 2467: от газа к звездам NGC 2467: From Gas to Stars

One might guess that the group of stars on the left is responsible for shaping the gas cloud on the right -- but it probably is not. Observations of many of the stars...

NGC 604: гигантский звездный инкубатор NGC 604: Giant Stellar Nursery

Scattered within this cavernous nebula, cataloged as NGC 604, are over 200 newly formed hot, massive, stars. At 1,500 light-years across, this expansive cloud of interstellar gas and dust is effectively a giant stellar nursery located some three million light-years distant in the spiral galaxy, M33.

Пыль и газ вокруг звезды R Южной Короны Dust and Gas Surrounding Star R Coronae Australis

Young star R Coronae Australis has a dusty home. The dust is so thick on the upper left of the above photograph that little light from background stars comes through. Thinner dust near the stars reflects light from R Coronae Australis (upper right) and neighbor TY Coronae Australis, giving their surroundings a flowing appearance.

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 < January 2025  
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