Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: black hole
Правила безопасности для полета к черной дыре Black Hole Safety Video

If you were a small one-eyed monster, would you want to visit a black hole? Well the one in this video does -- but should it? No, actually, but since our little friend is insistent on going, the video informs it what black holes really are, and how to be as safe as possible when visiting.

Необычный сигнал может свидетельствовать о разрушении нейтронной звезды черной дырой Unusual Signal Suggests Neutron Star Destroyed by Black Hole

What created this unusual explosion? Three weeks ago, gravitational wave detectors in the USA and Europe -- the LIGO and Virgo detectors -- detected a burst of gravitational radiation that had the oscillating pattern expected when a black hole destroys a neutron star.

Источник гравитационных волн GW170814 на карте неба LIGO Virgo GW170814 Skymap

From around planet Earth three gravitational wave detectors have now reported a joint detection of ripples in spacetime, the fourth announced detection of a binary black hole merger in the distant Universe. The event...

Путешествие к центру Галактики Journey to the Center of the Galaxy

What wonders lie at the center of our Galaxy? In Jules Verne's science fiction classic A Journey to the Center of the Earth, Professor Liedenbrock and his fellow explorers encounter many strange and exciting wonders.

Черные дыры с известными массами Black Holes of Known Mass

Add GW170104 to the chart of black holes with known mass. The extremely energetic merger of two smaller black holes corresponds to the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory's (LIGO) third detection of gravitational waves.

Массивная черная дыра разрывает пролетающую звезду Massive Black Hole Shreds Passing Star

What happens when a star gets too close to a black hole? Recent observations from Earth-orbiting observatories of an event dubbed ASASSN-14li, in a distant galactic center, appears to be giving one star's harrowing story.

Когда сталкиваются чёрные дыры When Black Holes Collide

What happens when two black holes collide? This extreme scenario likely occurs in the centers of some merging galaxies and multiple star systems. The featured video shows a computer animation of the final stages of such a merger, while highlighting the gravitational lensing effects that would appear on a background starfield.

J1502 1115: галактика с тройной чёрной дырой J1502 1115: A Triple Black Hole Galaxy

Most galaxies contain one supermassive black hole -- why does this galaxy have three? The likely reason is that galaxy J1502+1115 is the product of the recent coalescence of three smaller galaxies.

Сливающаяся галактика NGC 2623 Merging NGC 2623

NGC 2623 is really two galaxies that are becoming one. Seen to be in the final stages of a titanic galaxy merger, the pair lies some 300 million light-years distant toward the constellation Cancer.

Слишком близко к чёрной дыре Too Close to a Black Hole

What would you see if you went right up to a black hole? Above is a computer generated image highlighting how strange things would look. The black hole has such strong gravity that light is noticeably bent towards it - causing some very unusual visual distortions.

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