Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keywords: Moon, full moon
Кратер Коперник Crater Copernicus

One of the more prominent craters on the Moon is named Copernicus. Copernicus is a large young crater visible with binoculars slightly northwest of the center of the Moon's Earth-facing hemisphere. Copernicus is distinguished by its size and by the many bright rays pointing out from it.

Лунный пейзаж с Аполлона-17: величественная пустыня Apollo 17 Lunarscape: A Magnificent Desolation

Buzz Aldrin, Apollo 11 Lunar Module pilot and the second human to walk on the Moon, described the lunar landscape as "a magnificent desolation". Dramatic pictures from the Apollo missions to the lunar surface testify to this apt turn of phrase.

Аполлон-17: большие камни на Луне Apollo 17: Boulder on the Moon

Twenty five years ago humans roamed the Moon. Pictured here during the last moon landing, scientist-astronaut Harrison Schmitt was photographed standing next to a huge, split boulder. Apollo 17 was one of six missions that landed humans on the moon and returned them safely.

Странный оранжевый грунт на Луне Strange Orange Soil on the Moon

How did orange soil appear on the Moon? This mystery began when astronaut Harrison Schmidt noticed the off-color patch near Apollo 17's Taurus-Littrow landing site in 1972. Schmidt and fellow astronaut Eugene Cernan scooped up some of the unusual orange soil for detailed inspection back on Earth.

Луна в Хэллоуин Halloween s Moon

Illuminating the landscape all through the night of November 2nd, this week's bright Full Moon was known in the northern hemisphere as a Hunter's Moon. But this dramatic view of the shining lunar orb, from Sobreda, Portugal, was captured just a few nights earlier, on Halloween.

Луна в перигее и апогее Perigee Moon, Apogee Moon

Tonight, those blessed with clear skies can enjoy a glorious full moon, the last full moon of the "Y1.9K"s. In fact, tonight's moon will be a full-perigee-solstice moon, reaching its full phase and perigee (the closest point in its orbit) on the solstice, the first day of northern hemisphere winter.

Марс рядом с Луной Mars at the Moon s Edge

What was that bright "star" near the Moon last week? Mars of course, as the Red Planet wandered near the wanning gibbous Moon early last Thursday morning, passing behind the lunar orb when viewed from some locations in South and Central America, the Carribean, and Florida.

Луна - близкий обзор Lunar Close Up

Late last month, NASA's Lunar Prospector spacecraft moved in for a closer look at the Moon. Now entering an extended mission phase, controllers have reduced the altitude of this polar lunar orbiter from 100 kilometers to about 30 kilometers (18 miles).

Прибежище Аполлона-15 на Луне Apollo 15's Home on the Moon

Could you ever call this place home? The lunar module shown above, named "Falcon," served as home for Apollo 15 astronauts David Scott and James Irwin during their stay on the Moon in July and August 1971. Meanwhile, astronaut Alfred Worden circled in the command module overhead.

Солнечная система восходит над Огненным островом Solar System Rising Over Fire Island

If you wait long enough, the entire Solar System will rise before you. To see such a sight, however, you will need to look in the direction of the ecliptic. All of the planets and their moons orbit the Sun in nearly the same plane, the ecliptic plane.

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