Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keywords: Moon, lunar eclipse, infrared
Кратер Шеклтон Shackleton from ShadowCam

Shackleton crater lies at the lunar south pole. Peaks along the 21 kilometer diameter are in sunlight, but Shackleton's floor is in dark permanent shadow. Still, this image of the shadowed rim wall...

Лунный Икс The Lunar X

The striking X in this lunarscape is easily visible in binoculars or a small telescope, but not too many have seen it. The catch is, this lunar X is fleeting and only apparent in the hours before the Moon's first quarter phase.

Я принес тебе Луну I Brought You the Moon

I love you so much that I brought you the Moon. Please take it before this tree becomes more interested. Also the Moon is heavier than I thought. And I foolishly picked it up by the hot side by mistake. But it is for you and, well, the others reading this APOD.

Кратеры Мессье на стереофотографии Messier Craters in Stereo

Many bright nebulae and star clusters in planet Earth's sky are associated with the name of astronomer Charles Messier, from his famous 18th century catalog. His name is also given to these two large and remarkable craters on the Moon.

Аполлон-11: Земля, Луна, космический корабль Apollo 11: Earth, Moon, Spaceship

After the most famous voyage of modern times, it was time to go home. After proving that humanity has the ability to go beyond the confines of planet Earth, the first humans to walk...

Голубая Луна в насыщенных цветах A Blue Moon in Exaggerated Colors

The Moon is normally seen in subtle shades of grey or gold. But small, measurable color differences have been greatly exaggerated to make this telescopic, multicolored, moonscape captured during the Moon's full phase. The different colors are recognized to correspond to real differences in the chemical makeup of the lunar surface.

Голубая Суперлуна над Сиракузами APOD: 2023 September 5 Б Blue Supermoon Beyond Syracuse

The last full moon was doubly unusual. First of all, it was a blue moon. A modern definition of a blue moon is a second full moon to occur during one calendar month. Since there are 13 full moons in 2023, one month has to have two -- and that month was August.

Самые большие спутники Земли APOD: 2023 June 12 Б The Largest Satellites of Earth

WhatБs that near the Moon? ItБs the International Space Station (ISS). Although the ISS may appear to be physically near the Moon, it is not Б it is physically near the Earth.

Лунная пыль и клейкая лента Lunar Dust and Duct Tape

Why is the Moon so dusty? On Earth, rocks are weathered by wind and water, creating soil and sand. On the Moon, the history of constant micrometeorite bombardment has blasted away at the rocky surface creating a layer of powdery lunar soil or regolith.

"Америка" и море Ясности America and the Sea of Serenity

Get out your red/blue glasses and check out this stereo view of another world. The scene was recorded by Apollo 17 mission commander Eugene Cernan on December 11, 1972, one orbit before descending to land on the Moon.

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