Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: Spirit rover
Трехмерный вид от "Спирита"  на Сонную ложбину Spirit s 3D View Towards Sleep Hollow

Working late, tired mission members nicknamed the smooth-looking depression to the left of center in this image from the martian surface, Sleepy Hollow. The picture is a portion of the 3D panorama of the Spirit rover's landing site released yesterday, constructed with data from the Mars rover's navigation cameras.

Панорама Марса с марсохода "Спирит" A Mars Panorama from the Spirit Rover

If you could stand on Mars -- what would you see? Scrolling right will reveal a full color 360-degree panoramic view from NASA's Spirit Rover that landed on Mars just 10 days ago. The image is a digital mosaic from the panoramic camera that shows the view in every direction.

Марсоход Спирит достиг Колумбийских гор Spirit Rover Reaches the Columbia Hills on Mars

The Spirit robotic rover on Mars has now reached the Columbia Hills on Mars. Two of the hills are shown on approach near the beginning of June. The above true-color picture shows very nearly what a human would see from Spirit's vantage point.

Вид внутри кратера Гусева на Марсе Vista Inside Gusev Crater on Mars

What is the geologic history of Mars? To help find out, the robot Spirit rover explored the terrain on the way up to the top of Husband Hill and took pictures along the way.

Марсоход  "Спирит": панорама с края кратера Бонневилль Spirit Pan from Bonneville Crater s Edge

Scroll right and follow this breathtaking view of the martian surface from the southern edge of a small crater dubbed Bonneville. NASA's Spirit rover recorded the sharp 180-degree panorama on sols...

Скала "Белая лодка" на Марсе White Boat Rock on Mars

What caused this rock to have an unusual shape? Earlier this month the robot Spirit rover on Mars stopped to examine a rock dubbed "white boat", named for its unusually light color and shape.

Марсианская "панорама с Эвереста" Everest Panorama from Mars

If you could stand on Mars -- what might you see? Scroll right to find out. The robotic Spirit rover currently rolling across Mars climbed to the top of hill and took a series of images that were digitally combined into a 360 degree panorama over three days early last month.

Холм МакКул на Марсе McCool Hill on Mars

You can make it. Winter is rapidly advancing on the southern hemisphere on Mars, and the lack of sunlight could be dangerous unless you find a good place to hibernate. There it is ahead: McCool Hill.

Необычная светлая почва на Марсе Unusual Bright Soil on Mars

What is this bright soil on Mars? Several times while rolling across Mars, the treads of the robotic rover Spirit have serendipitously uncovered unusually bright soil. Spirit uncovered another batch unexpectedly last month while rolling toward its winter hibernation location on McCool Hill.

Выход пород Мафусаил на Марсе Methuselah Outcrop on Mars

What the history of the outcropping of rock called Methuselah? The unusual rock group is visible on the left of the above image taken by the robot Spirit rover current exploring Mars. Methuselah was discovered while maneuvering over hilly terrain and shows unusual multiple layering that caught the attention of the rover science team.

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