Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: Martian Rover
Марсианские дюны и тень "Оппортьюнити" Martian Dunes and the Shadow of Opportunity

Human made robots continue to roll across the surface of Mars. Both Opportunity and its sister rover Spirit are in their sixth year on Mars, exploring the red planet for years longer than original expectations.

Глобальные пылевые бури угрожают марсоходам Global Dust Storms Threaten Mars Rovers

Will global dust storms terminate the robotic Martian rovers? Over the past month, windy dust storms have blocked much needed sunlight from reaching the solar panels of both the Spirit and Opportunity rovers exploring Mars.

Острые выступы в кратере Выносливости Razorbacks in Endurance Crater

Over one year after its launch, robot geologist Opportunity has been spending recent sols on Mars inching its way down the slopes of Endurance crater. Littered with martian blueberries, some flat rocks within the crater also seem to have surprising razorbacks -- narrow slabs sticking up along their edges.

Необычный двухцветный камень на Марсе An Unusual Two Toned Rock on Mars

How did this unusual Martian rock form? The atypical two-toned rock, visible in the lower right of the above image, was photographed a few days ago by the robotic Spirit rover currently rolling across Mars. For now, the environmental processes that created the rock remain a matter of speculation.

Дайте имя марсианскому роботу Name This Martian Robot

NASA will launch two robots to Mars next year and you can help name them. The Mars Exploration Rovers are scheduled for launch on or near this coming June, when Mars and Earth are relatively close in their orbits.

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