Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keywords: Jupiter, Perseids, meteor, meteor shower, lightning
Тень от спутника на Юпитере Moon Shadow on Jupiter

What is that large dark spot on Jupiter? It's the shadow of Io, one of Jupiter's largest moons. When Jupiter's moons cross between the Jovian giant and the Sun, they created shadows just like when the Earth's moon crosses between the Earth and the Sun.

Метеорный дождь над Тунисом A Meteor Wind over Tunisia

Does the Earth ever pass through a wind of meteors? Yes, and they are frequently visible as meteor showers. Almost all meteors are sand-sized debris that escaped from a Sun-orbiting comet or asteroid, debris that continues in an elongated orbit around the Sun.

Перийовий 11: пролетая около Юпитера Perijove 11: Passing Jupiter

Here comes Jupiter! NASA's robotic spacecraft Juno is continuing on its highly-elongated orbits around our Solar System's largest planet. The featured video is from perijove 11 in early 2018, the eleventh time Juno has passed near Jupiter since it arrived in mid-2016.

Юпитер от космического телескопа "Джеймс Вебб" Jupiter from the Webb Space Telescope

This new view of Jupiter is illuminating. High-resolution infrared images of Jupiter from the new James Webb Space Telescope (Webb) reveal, for example, previously unknown differences between high-floating bright clouds -- including the Great Red Spot -- and low-lying dark clouds.

Вращение Юпитера и его спутников Jupiter Rotates as Moons Orbit

Jupiter and its moons move like our Sun and its planets. Similarly, Jupiter spins while its moons circle around. JupiterБs rotation can be observed by tracking circulating dark belts and light zones. The Great Red Spot, the largest storm known, rotates to become visible after about 15 seconds in the 48-second time lapse video.

Метеор из потока Персеид и Млечный Путь A Perseid Meteor and the Milky Way

It was bright and green and flashed as it moved quickly along the Milky Way. It left a trail that took 30 minutes to dissipate. Given the day, August 12, and the direction, away...

Метеор из потока Персеид внизу A Perseid Below

Earthlings typically watch meteor showers by looking up. But this remarkable view, captured on August 13, 2011 by astronaut Ron Garan, caught a Perseid meteor by looking down. From Garan's perspective onboard...

Кружащиеся на юге Юпитера облака от "Юноны" Cloud Swirls around Southern Jupiter from Juno

Juno just completed its fourth pass near Jupiter. Launched from Earth in 2011 and arriving at Jupiter just last July, robotic Juno concluded its latest elliptical orbit around our Solar System's largest planet 11 days ago.

Белое овальное облако на Юпитере от Юноны A White Oval Cloud on Jupiter from Juno

This storm cloud on Jupiter is almost as large as the Earth. Known as a white oval, the swirling cloud is a high pressure system equivalent to an Earthly anticyclone. The cloud is one of a "string of pearls" ovals south of Jupiter's famous Great Red Spot.

Ганимед от "Юноны" Ganymede from Juno

What does the largest moon in the Solar System look like? Jupiter's moon Ganymede, larger than even Mercury and Pluto, has an icy surface speckled with bright young craters overlying a mixture of older, darker, more cratered terrain laced with grooves and ridges.

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