Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: Venus
Последние дни Венеры как вечерней звезды The Last Days of Venus as the Evening Star

That's not a young crescent Moon posing behind cathedral towers after sunset. It's Venus in a crescent phase. About 40 million kilometers away and about 2 percent illuminated by sunlight...

10 дней Венеры и Юпитера 10 Days of Venus and Jupiter

Venus and Jupiter may have caught your attention lately. The impending close conjunction of the two brightest planets visible in clear evening skies has been hard to miss. With Jupiter at the top, starting...

Юпитер и Венера над Италией APOD: 2023 March 5 Б Jupiter and Venus over Italy

What are those two bright spots? Planets. A few days ago, the two brightest planets in the night sky passed within a single degree of each other in what is termed a conjunction. Visible just after sunset in much of the world, the two bright spots were Jupiter (left) and Venus (right).

Серпы Венеры Crescents of Venus

Just as the Moon goes through phases, Venus' visible sunlit hemisphere waxes and wanes. This sequence of telescopic images illustrates the steady changes for Venus during its recent 2023 apparition as our evening star. Gliding along its interior orbit between Earth and Sun, Venus grows larger during that period because it is approaching planet Earth.

Веселое небо над Лос-Анджелесом A Happy Sky over Los Angeles

Sometimes, the sky may seem to smile over much of planet Earth. On this day in 2008, visible the world over, was an unusual superposition of our Moon and the planets Venus and Jupiter.

Скала трех планет APOD: 2023 November 14 Б Three Planets Rock

In the fading darkness before dawn, a tilted triangle appeared to balance atop a rock formation off the southern tip of Sicily. Making up the points of the triangle are three of the four brightest objects visible in EarthБs sky: Jupiter, Venus and the Moon.

Отражения Венеры и Луны Reflections of Venus and Moon

Posing near the western horizon, a brilliant evening star and slender young crescent shared reflections in a calm sea last Thursday after sunset. Recorded in this snapshot from the Atlantic beach at Santa Marinella...

Поверхность Венеры от "Венеры-13" The Surface of Venus from Venera 13

If you could stand on Venus -- what would you see? Pictured is the view from Venera 13, a robotic Soviet lander which parachuted and air-braked down through the thick Venusian atmosphere in March of 1982.

Венера в ультрафиолете от аппарата "Акацуки" APOD: 2023 July 3 Б Venus in Ultraviolet from Akatsuki

Why is Venus so different from Earth? To help find out, Japan launched the robotic Akatsuki spacecraft which entered orbit around Venus late in 2015 after an unplanned five-year adventure around the inner Solar System.

Покрытие Венеры Луной Moon Occults Venus

It may look like Earthrise, but it's actually Venus-set. Just after sunrise two days ago, both the Moon and Venus also rose. But then the Moon overtook Venus. In the featured image sequence centered on the Moon, Venus is shown increasingly angularly close to the Moon.

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