Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keyword: apollo 12
Аполлон 12: Сервейор 3 и Бесстрашный Apollo 12: Surveyor 3 and Intrepid

On April 20, 1967, NASA's robot spacecraft Surveyor 3 landed on the moon, touching down on the inside slope of a small lunar crater in the Ocean of Storms. Over 2 1/2 years...

Стереоснимок Аполлона-12 и Сервейора-3 Apollo 12 and Surveyor 3 Stereo View

Put on your red/blue glasses and gaze into this dramatic stereo view from the surface of the Moon. The 3D scene features Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad visiting the Surveyor 3 spacecraft in November of 1969. The image was carefully created from two separate pictures (AS12-48-7133, AS12-48-7134) taken on the lunar surface.

Аполлон-12: автопортрет Apollo 12: Self-Portrait

Is it art? In November of 1969, Apollo 12 astronaut-photographer Charles "Pete" Conrad recorded this masterpiece while documenting colleague Alan Bean's lunar soil collection activities on the Oceanus Procellarum. The image is dramatic and stark.

Спуск лунного модуля "Аполлон-12" Apollo 12's Lunar Module Descends

A few months after Apollo 11's historic Moon landing, Apollo 12 with commander Charles Conrad Jr., Command Module pilot Richard Gordan, and Lunar Module pilot Alan Bean returned for more geographic and scientific exploration.

Аполлон 12: стереофотография окрестностей кратера Сюрвейор (surveyor) Apollo 12: Stereo View Near Surveyor Crater

This weekend's stereo picture finds Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad standing on the lunar surface near the southern rim of Surveyor Crater in November of 1969. With red/blue glasses you can gaze beyond the spacesuited Conrad across the magnificent desolation of the Moon's Ocean of Storms.

Аполлон 12: стереофотография окрестностей кратера Сервейор Apollo 12: Stereo View Near Surveyor Crater

This weekend's stereo picture finds Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad standing on the lunar surface near the southern rim of Surveyor Crater in November of 1969. With red/blue glasses you can gaze beyond the spacesuited Conrad across the magnificent desolation of the Moon's Ocean of Storms.

"Аполлон"/"Сюрвейор" - стереоснимок Apollo Surveyor Stereo View

Put on your red/blue glasses and gaze into this dramatic stereo view from the surface of the Moon! Inspired by last Saturday's APOD, Patrick Vantuyne offers this stereo rendering of the captivating picture of Apollo 12 astronaut Pete Conrad visiting the Surveyor

Панорама с Аполлона-12 An Apollo 12 Panorama

The Apollo 12 mission was the second ever to land humans on the Moon. The mission was dedicated to studying the Moon, developing techniques, and developing instruments that could be used in future lunar landings.

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