Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keywords: Orion, Gemini, Milky Way, aldebaran, hyades
Карликовая галактика в Большом Псе: ближайшая к нам The Closest Galaxy: Canis Major Dwarf

What is the closest galaxy to the Milky Way? The new answer to this old question is the Canis Major dwarf galaxy. For many years astronomers thought the Large Magellan Cloud (LMC) was closest, but its title was supplanted in 1994 by the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy.

Приливный поток карлика в Стрельце The Sagittarius Dwarf Tidal Stream

Is our Milky Way Galaxy out to lunch? Recent wide field images and analyses now indicate that our home galaxy is actually still in the process of devouring its closest satellite neighbor. This unfortunate...

Созвездие Стрельца и центр Млечного Пути Sagittarius and the Central Milky Way

What does the center of our Milky Way Galaxy look like? No one knows! It is not possible to see the Galactic center in light our eyes are sensitive to because the thick dust in the plane of our Galaxy obscures it.

Пенящийся Млечный Путь The Frothy Milky Way

Astronomers have discovered that looking at dust along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy is a bit like looking into a frothy glass of beer. The dust between stars in our galaxy appears...

Наша Галактика: звезды, газ, пыль Our Galaxy in Stars, Gas, and Dust

The disk of our Milky Way Galaxy is home to hot nebulae, cold dust, and billions of stars. The red nebulae visible in the above contrast-enhanced picture are primarily emission nebulae, glowing clouds of hydrogen gas heated by nearby, bright, young stars.

Звездная ночь в обсерватории Ла Силла La Silla s Starry Night

On clear, moonless nights, the stars still come out with a vengance above the high-altitude La Silla astronomical observatory. Taking advantage of a recent visit to this first European Southern Observatory (ESO) site constructed on a mountain top in Chile, ESO software engineer Nico Housen recorded this stunning sky view.

Млечный Путь за Летним треугольником The Milky Way Through the Summer Triangle

There are more than a few stars in our Galaxy. The light from many of them combines to appear as a wisp of faint light across the night sky - the Milky Way.

Млечный Путь вблизи Северного Креста The Milky Way Near the Northern Cross

This beautiful image of the sky near the bright star Deneb (just above center) reveals the stars, nebulae, and dark clouds along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy as seen from the northern hemisphere (near Columbia Missouri, USA). Just below Deneb lies the suggestively shaped North American emission nebula.

Туманность Ориона - снимок телескопом Субару The Orion Nebula from Subaru

The Orion Nebula (M42) shows a host of treasures when viewed in infrared light. Some stars in the Trapezium, an open cluster of stars at the center, are only visible in infrared light. The orange feature above center is called the Kleinman-Low Nebula, and appears greatly affected by newly forming central star IRc2.

Молекулярная карта Млечного Пути Milky Way Molecule Map

Where are the Milky Way's gas clouds and where are they going? Stars form in gas clouds, and the motion of gas clouds tell us about the size and rotation speed of our own Milky Way Galaxy.

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