Astronomy Picture of the Day

Keywords: ISS, Saturn
Космическая станция хвастается новым манипулятором Space Station Shows Off New Robot Arm

The International Space Station (ISS) continues to grow. Last month, the crew of the Space Shuttle Endeavor delivered new Logistics Modules and installed the new Canadarm2 on the growing outpost. The ISS -- complete with its new arm -- was photographed 400 kilometers above planet Earth by the Space Shuttle Endeavor crew soon after they undocked.

Международная космическая станция над  Землей International Space Station Over Earth

High above a cloudy Earth, the International Space Station (ISS) orbits silently. The Space Shuttle Endeavor Crew took the above picture as they departed the space station in mid-December. Endeavor brought up three...

Па-де-де Юпитера и Сатурна Jupiter and Saturn Pas de Deux

Viewed from Earth, the solar system's planets do a cosmic dance that is hard to appreciate on any single night. But consider this well planned animated sequence combining 23 pictures taken at approximately 2 week intervals from June 2000 through May 2001.

Рея, спутник Сатурна: вид с Кассини Saturns Moon Rhea from Cassini

Each moon of Saturn seems to come with its own mystery. Rhea, Saturn's second largest moon behind Titan, shows unusual wisps, visible above as light colored streaks. Higher resolution images of the wisps show them to be made of long braided fractures.

Юпитер, Сатурн и Мессье 45 Jupiter, Saturn and Messier 45

Brilliant Venus falls out of the evening sky as March ends, but Jupiter and Saturn remain well up above the western horizon. Jupiter blazes forth above and to the left of a slightly fainter Saturn in this telephoto picture taken on January 19th.

Ракета  с Союзом ТМА-2 на старте Rollout of a Soyuz TMA 2 Rocket

It takes a big rocket to go into space. Last weekend, this huge Russian rocket was launched toward Earth-orbiting International Space Station (ISS), carrying two astronauts who will make up the new Expedition 7 crew.

"Волнистый" спутник в кольцах Сатурна A Wavemaker Moon in Saturns Rings

What causes small waves in Saturn's rings? Observations of rings bordering the Keeler gap in Saturn's rings showed unusual waves. Such waves were first noticed last July and are shown above in clear detail.

Ночная сторона Сатурна Saturn at Night

This is what Saturn looks like at night. In contrast to the human-made lights that cause the nighttime side of Earth to glow faintly, Saturn's faint nighttime glow is primarily caused by sunlight reflecting off of its own majestic rings.

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