Credit & Copyright: Peter Patonai
(Astroscape Photography)
What's that next to the Moon?
In its monthly trip around the
Earth -- and hence
Earth's sky -- our Moon passed nearly in front of
Saturn earlier this week.
Actually the
Moon passed directly in front of
Saturn from the viewpoints of a wide swath of Earth's
Southern Hemisphere.
featured image from
captured the pair a few minutes before the
The image was a single shot lasting only 1/500th of a second,
later processed to better highlight both the
Moon and Saturn.
Saturn is nearly opposite the Sun,
it can be seen nearly the entire night, starting at sunset,
toward the south and east.
gibbous Moon was also nearly opposite the Sun,
and so also visible nearly the entire night -- it will be
full tomorrow night.
Moon will occult Saturn again
during every lap it makes around the Earth this year.
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NASA Official: Jay Norris. Specific rights apply.
A service of: LHEA at NASA / GSFC
& Michigan Tech. U.
Based on Astronomy Picture
Of the Day
Publications with keywords: Moon - Saturn
Publications with words: Moon - Saturn
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