Credit & Copyright: JesÇs Santos GarzÀs
When does Mars appear the largest?
This occurs when
Earth sweeps past Mars in their respective orbits around the Sun,
creating a momentary Sun-Earth-Mars alignment called
featured video
shows the
Mars opposition that occurred earlier this year.
All of the images were taken from Earth with a small telescope.
Mars actually
changes its size
continuously -- the monthly jumps in size are an editing effect.
During the first month in video, March, Earth's view toward Mars is from relatively
far away and from a relatively sideways angle --
making Mars appear small and at less than full phase
As months progress, Mars appears increasingly larger and fuller.
The day Earth and
Mars were closest together
-- opposition -- was on May 22.
By June, Earth had passed Mars, and part of the other side of Mars appeared shadowed.
Mars will now appear increasingly smaller during 2016.
Even if you watch Mars from Earth
all along its orbit,
though, Mars will never show a
crescent phase.
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Based on Astronomy Picture
Of the Day
Publications with keywords: Mars - Earth
Publications with words: Mars - Earth
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